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Another Blatting Day (Another Pint)


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Today was an almost perfect day for a blat, mild, little traffic, dry, no salt, beautiful autumnal colours in beautiful countryside. Perfect.

Route:- Gisburn ( to pick up bread), Hellifield, Gargrave, Hetton, Rylstone, Linton (would have been rude not to have called into

"The Fountaine Inn" for a pint of Theakstons, great pub in beautiful village, check it out). Then a hasty thrash home before the light faded.

Now last time I posted a midweek blat, I got a lot of flak, "working", "lucky b*****d", etc. But I've done my bit and I was only thinking whilst having my pint, how appreciative I am of all you guys working out there and keeping the country going, but, for example, you guys who work in brewing industry, there's no point in making all this ale if there's no one to drink it! right? so by going round the various pubs whilst blatting, I feel as though I'm still contributing to the countries economy, you guys should be thankful there are people like me out there, who give up their spare time to keep you in employment!



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Someone has to drink it all since I left.

Well done and keep it up.

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Attaboy, keep up the God work..oops damn spell thing....good I meant.

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I used to do a similar route very early most Sunday mornings (lived between Gisburn and Barrowford) - fantastic roads, and usually only me and a few hardy bikers out at that time - great in all weathers as well.

Used to get home well before all the car boot brigade were up clogging the road!

Sadly no pubs open at that time - but made up for it later!!


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I don't drink even a single pint when I'm driving the Westfield - I am uninhibited enough in it without the effect of a decent pint!

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Yes, not a good idea drinking even 1 pint when driving a Westfield.

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