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How good were the days when a good toy cost 5 bob?

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12 pence or in todays money, er hang on, I need to think..........

Ah, that's it 5 new pennys.

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i use to love meccano and have my late grandfathers collection when we manage to find out where he left it.

its just not what it use to be and the sets available now are total cr4p

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Treasure it as I'm sure he would have wanted you to have and cherish it.

Or, to put it another way, I don't want to see you on Flog-it saying "well, I don't use it so may as well sell it"

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Treasure it as I'm sure he would have wanted you to have and cherish it.

Or, to put it another way, I don't want to see you on Flog-it saying "well, I don't use it so may as well sell it"

Not wanting to sell it. Would be happy just to find it.

The favourite thing I inherited was a small hand cranked pillar drill which auto feeds as you crank. I can Always remember going into the garage with him and spinning it as fast as I could before getting told off :d

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Sorry, misread your post. I thought you had found it.

I would set too and spend a whole weekend looking for it.

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Easier said than done.

I did have to stop my gran binning a zx81 in its original box complete with expansion packs and printer

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I love lego, I got the lorry with moveable flatbed as a surprise christmas gift last year. And on the subject of Unimogs, I saw this one at a show this year.


Also my dad is a farmer and had one until recently, used to have good fun in it, you can just see it in the pic below.


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I'm beginning to understand why you can't find it. All those barns and outbuildings to search. OK, not a weekend, 2 weeks holiday!

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I can remember the first 'steering' car which was a Mk 2 Jag - that was over 5 bob IIRC. Not sure if it was a Dinky. Loved my Meccano and Bayko too. Wonder where it all is now.

Rory's Dad

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I did have Meccano but mainly played with Bayko Building sets - here:


Snap MOTCO I also had a Meccano and a Bayco, I had another one that used individual bricks, you mixed the mortar and away you went, when you had done with it you dropped the finished model itno a bucket of water overnight and the mortar disolved leaving you a pile of bricks to start your next model.

I cant remember what is was called, and thinking about it, it was a load of crap, too fiddly and too messy.

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Snap MOTCO I also had a Meccano and a Bayco, I had another one that used individual bricks, you mixed the mortar and away you went, when you had done with it you dropped the finished model itno a bucket of water overnight and the mortar disolved leaving you a pile of bricks to start your next model.

I cant remember what is was called, and thinking about it, it was a load of crap, too fiddly and too messy.

Was it Lotts Bricks??

Rory's Dad

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