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Thank Goodness For That


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i had not even heard that that rule was going to come into force.

F1 is not about electrics, it should be kept as petrol power personally

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so the cars have then to restart themselves or would need a booster at each pit??

can they do that presently? thought they always had power packs on the grids.

i personally wish there would be unlimited KERS...

then the teams and drivers would find a natural balance for weight/power etc

it would drive forward development for real world recovery use by leaps and bounds surely?

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Kers is such old tech its laughable , some of us old un's remember trams and trolley buses , the motors that drove them became generators when free wheeling or braking etc, same for trains both electic and diesel electric.

The downside for cars is carrying all that extra battery weight needed for it to work , which kills performance figures .

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They are just determined to ruin it!

Can't see how F1 will take off in America either!. If you watch their Indycar races, its just how F1 used to be with all the thrills of refuelling, challenging tracks, loads of overtakes - and without all the ever changing rules such as this electrical nonsense!!

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