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Well Done Barrac

Norman Verona

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Releif washes over me as Barac wins another term.


Well, let me tell you about a Republican who was on BBC this morning. Barac was a terrible president because he was "an appeaser and hasn't stood up to rouge states" My interpretation of this statement is "He hasn't attacked all these middle and far east estates who disagree with us"

If the current Republicans gain power there will be more wars in the middle and far east and we will have to get involved.

Is it fantasy to say that with that attitude in the White House we may well be facing a 3rd world war?

Scott, what's your opinion?

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Interesting article on the BBC website yesterday about support for Obama on the East of the Atlantic. Support for Obama is high, with 70% of the UK preferring to see Obama win. France, Germany, Italy etc had an even higher proportion of Obama supporters. Of all the countries polled, the only one who'd prefer to see Romney in the White House was Israel...

I think the right man won.

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Wasn't much of a choice, was it? If Romney was the best they could come up with then they deserved to lose anyway.

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Yeah, for all Obama's faults, he does seem to be fundamentally a steadying hand at the controls. Romney on the other hand, is frankly terrifying on so many levels...

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Scott, what's your opinion?

Ooooo, I knew someone was going to ask me that, and figured it was going to be my friend Norman.

Part of me hesitates to express political opinions at the best of times, and particularly now that I'm on the committee as the potential to brass off members has never been greater - I hope everyone understands that.

Also, while I have my own political leanings, I do vote for the candidates I feel will be best person for the offices, both here and in the US federal elections, regardless of party.

Having said that, I awoke this morning and viewed the result with a sense of relief. There was no doubt in my mind that Obama was the better person for the job.

The consequences now are the issue, of course. America is heading for a taxation cliff thanks to Dubya at the end of the year - things over the next seven weeks are going to get very ugly indeed; and the Republican party, after another presidential defeat and without any gains in Congress, could well dissolve into an internal civil war about future direction, meaning their only agenda will be to block the Democrats simply as a knee-jerk reaction to the detriment of the country, while giving more idiotic Tea Party supporters voice.

Of course, if Romney had been elected, I think things could financially have gone into meltdown and the country divided on many fronts.

I believe Obama was a better choice as president for the world as a whole, but much like this country, it's unlikely any candidate can ever be the leader that unites his country.

Plus the fact that anyone who wants to be a national leader probably needs their head examining.

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Plus the fact that anyone who wants to be a national leader probably needs their head examining.

Yes, it should almost count as an immediate bar from high office.

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Thanks Scott, it's nice to get a closer view.

I understand his hands are tied by the Republican majority in congress but I hope he tries to push his policies through and makes a big fuss over it so the world can see where his policies are being blocked.

I still get concerned by the attitude of "if you're not with us you must be against us".

I suppose the answer is for a Democrat President backed by a Democrat majority in both houses. Then we may get sensible non-war policies and we may get some rapport with the middle east states currently seen as anti US.

Forgive me, I'm dreaming again.

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"you may say I'm a dreamer" someone sang that once....keep dreaming Norm you are not the only one...

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Some scallywag called John Lennon

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He did some great songs on his own but most were with Macca. However I think it's clear the main influence was from Lennon.

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Lennon the dreamer, visionary, Macca the technician.

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