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Dozens Of Reel To Reels In Garage

pistonbroke 2

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Mate of mine says he has just sold a couple of Tape Recorders.

He showed me a Piccie of the Guys Garage and it was stuffed with

the things.

Interesting thing was in the corner of the Photo. a yellow Westfield Is just visible.

Black Screen and Mirrors.

Does it belong to anyone on here ? ???:westy:

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thats a reely rare find.........................................

i've got my coat...... :p

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I have a couple of R-to-R tape machines but my Westfield is green... :oops:

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I just want to record that I have this taped.

OK, I'm closing the door on the way out.

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Just a thought , was one of them a Walter 303 in a brown cardboard box ? not necessarily complete and def. a none worker :oops:

If so the mistery is solved :t-up:

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Played with a R-R of my grandads as a young child, he had bought it out of the attic as a bit of fun and I loved it.

Tempted to buy one and have it as a novalty, record some more recent music onto one, and roll out our (reel it out/) for partys. Maybe a collection of vinal records.... 25 going on 50!


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I was always a cheapskate. I saved up and bought a reel-to-reel when I was about 13. I can't remember the make other than it was German. Recorded lots of stuff off the radio. This was in 1959 so no stereo to worry about.

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I built my own first one from a Heathkit kit. Long story but it changed my career by teaching me about analogue electronics. The one I still use, occasionally, is a ReVox A77 of 1970s vintage.

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Always had a hankering for a Revox B77, remember playing about with them back in the early nineties. From a top class source, the recording quality was astounding.

Also had a play with a Nakamichi CR7 at the same time - its what I used to record my LP's on, so that I could isten to them in the car.

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Ferrograph was the top kit way back in the 60's we had one in college , loved the way you could snag the tape off the take up spool and let it pile up in a great big mess on the floor :)

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Ah Revox the dogs danglies of reel to reels.

Bob :d

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I chose an A77 over a B77 because it was obsolescent and therefore cheaper, plus it is all electromechanical unlike the B77 which is full of those nasty ICs. The A77 can be fixed over and over by almost anyone with a meter and a manual. The performance figures are identical too. Mine is only a 3-3/4IPS and 7-1/2 IPS four track - the hifi buffs want two track 15IPS models. My aging ears can barely tell the difference between the slower and faster speeds these days. :(

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Back in the early 90's I worked in the BBC Equipment Department in Chiswick. One of the guys there was building a home recording studio and was a master at acquiring stuff from stores without the right requisitions to help with his construction. The biggest thing he got away with was one of these: EMI reel-to-reel recorder.

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