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Beware of the partly built kits they can be expensive as they often are not as "complete" as advertised. When I bought mine the ebayer said 80% complete, I said to my wife that means about 50% complete. When I got it, it was simpler to strip and start again from about 10% complete. The previous builder had made a LOT of mistakes which would have made it impossible to pass the IVA. I got mine through the IVA but it was hard work and added £1000 just to get it through.

If buying an abandoned project at about £3500, I would recommend doubling the price to give you an approx. on the road price including IVA. (Mine cost £7000 - and that was doing it cheaply) and is still costing money, although that is down to bad luck more than the car. (Now on the zetec conversion so thats +£2k). So hopefully you can see its often cheaper to buy a car thats been built.

There is nothing like building your own car though and I would highly recommend it. However see it as a hobby and that to make a good 'un will cost money.

The cbs is a good car if well built, but as has been said, this is down to the builder and money spent.

Hope thats helped


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