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Top Gear?


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Anybody know when the new series starts?

Downton Abbey Spinster! :cry: :cry:

Hope it catches fire and is burnt down! :t-up: :t-up:

Bring back "Larkford to Candlerise"

( Just Kidding ) :( :( :(

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Next year apparently... Clarkson says they don't wanna compete with the fix factor..

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There will be a Christmas special, but the next series is scheduled for Feb 13.

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Oh, i was hoping that a new series was about to be aired, Feb 13 is a long way away at the moment and I need something to watch on a Sunday evening, its all bl**dy striclty and x factor

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I find celebrity get me out of here, can be more entertaining than the cox factor and, stupid strictly- it starts soon.

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Good God you're having a laff aren't you? I'd rather have my teeth ripped out with pliers that watch that washed up celebrity eats a kangaroos bollock crap.

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I'd love to have some proper shows - a few ideas:

I'm A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of This Minefield: Z-list celebs are dropped into the middle of a minefield the size of a football field, and have to navigate their way out by answering questions on a diverse set of subjects. Every wrong answer puts them a step closer to a mine.

Very Strictly Come Dancing: Same Z-list celebs, but the bottom two have a dance off while being whipped. Bottom celeb is then taken away and feed to hungry alligators, sharks or piranha fish in tanks with clear sides.

Dancing On Thin Ice: Again, same low-lifes dancing on ice skates, but on a frozen-over lake that's thawing in spring.

The X-Rated Factor: Attractive celebs forced to have sex with ugly ones (Ann Widdecombe, Jimmy Nail, etc). Performances rated on believability, energy, and technique. Losers forced to marry their partner.

Britain's Got Vengeance: General public get to take there wrath out on desperate losers who think that they can sing, dance, or that owning a dog that can dance in a tutu is entertaining. Giant trebuchet siege weapon on stage launches losers hundreds of feet into nearby river / glass recycling plant / abattoir / sewage treatment plant, etc.

Off to pitch my ideas to the networks. :)

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No problem, they'll sign you straight away.

I think we're going beyond US dross and entering Japanese sadism (BBC early Saturday night with the annoying bloke from Top Gear)

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The Bond special is on BBC 1& HD mon 29th Oct 21:00


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Oh, i was hoping that a new series was about to be aired, Feb 13 is a long way away at the moment and I need something to watch on a Sunday evening, its all bl**dy striclty and x factor

What about 'How Britain worked' on C4 at 8pm. Last nights 1st episode was alright IMO.

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Just heard Guy being interviews on the Radio, strewth, did he think the Beeb were charging him for air time? I've never heard anyone talk so fast :d

Sounds a fascinating bloke though with a real interest in and respect for traditional engineering. I've not watched any of his TV stuff, but will try and catch some of it now, sounds like it might be a blessed relief from the US/Reality TV approach that seems to be infecting so much of broadcasting.

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"How Britain worked"

Proper TV for REAL MEN. :t-up: :t-up:

Prancing on Ice, Sick Factor, I'm a celebrity shot me! :arse: :A***:

Like the look of your programs Captain Scott! :t-up: :t-up:

Then Sunday night every channel has got a film or summat good on! Dooo! :cry: :cry:

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Sorry blokes. But it's time they put that tired out Top Gear format out of it's misery and the presenters out to grass.

I'm not even going to check the replies to this comment!!

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