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It's Because I'm An Engineer


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I said it was a myth but the moral is the same.

So here we go.

The manual version is made from stuff that would probably have been thrown away, it's quicker than the more expensive motorised unit and, if it breaks a few minutes and it's fixed by anyone who can use a pair of scissors and sticky tape.

So, what advantage does the motorised unit have over the manual item?

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Sheldon uses one of those in big bang.

??? You use explosives to fold a t-shirt?
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Don't bother.

What I used to do in Uni was wear a creased T-Shirt and then stick a fleece over the top.

Your body heat insulated by the fleece would iron the top in about 10 minutes - by the time you got where you were going :)

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We had something similar when I joined the Navy, our uniform all had to be folded exactly the smae dimensions, so made life a breeze

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