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Westfield £10 Parts Vouchers

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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So you're knocking an offer which, if you play it correctly and effectively, is equivalent to 20% off your next purchase? Really? I think it's a very generous offer and I warmly welcome it.

I'm sure as there is absolutely no evidence of it whatsoever, that you are talking in general terms about companies offering gift vouchers and are not committing possible libel (which would be entirely down to you - see Forum Guidelines) by suggesting Westfield Sportscars in particular are a "struggling business". (I really, really dislike libel lawyers and so should all of us.)

With regards to parts being delivered late, I'm sure the factory are just as unhappy about getting late deliveries from their suppliers as they are to get calls from unhappy customers waiting for said late parts. Such are the difficult supply chain times in which we live - it's a real nightmare out there. Trust me, I know.

Lately, the brass at the factory have really stepped up, coming to local area meets, listening to what our members have to say, telling them about what's happening at Kingswinford, and really getting involved with us. They've made this offer to us, in which no one is obliged to take part, and to which many of us are happy to benefit.

I can understand cynicism sometimes - I can be a cynic myself. However, I really don't think that kind of remark is terribly helpful to anyone, and can only serve to prevent them making future offers if repeated - would you be generous to people who criticised you?

Don't mistake this as a "standing up for the factory" post - it's not. I'm standing up for the club by encouraging suppliers and the factory to work with us to our mutual benefit. Things have really been positive and improving lately, something I've been encouraging behind the scenes. Please don't undermine that. No one is perfect, but we can work together to make it better. Honey, flies etc.

Thanks. :t-up:

Well put Scott.

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Decided not to reply on the day, as I was too annoyed to put it anywhere near as eloquently as Scott.

I understand a few people have reported issues, but as I have no personal direct knowledge or experiance of those issues, I can't comment. And don't want to blindly repeat things I've heard on the net.

Like it or not, and it seems some don't, my only experiance so far as been excellent, of both parts and the factory generally. The minute that changes for me, I will let anyone who'll listen know!

As far as my experience of the companies service goes, a typical example is the roof I recently bought, I'd originally arranged with Gav to collect it from the factory once he let me know it was in. As luck would have it, it arrived the week of the Donnington show, and despite how busy I know they all were, Gav and Russ arranged between themselves to get my roof to Russ, who could get it brought up to the show in the trailer with the drift car. Where Russ then took time off the stand in the main hall to nip out to the drift stand with me so that I could get my new roof.

The irony is, I've I'd ordered it a month or so later, the companies managing director and sales manager would have just as happily brought it up in the boot of their car as they visited the Cheshire meet. (in fact they did bring some stuff up with them for another Cheshire member), so let's also knock on the head the idea that Gav and Russ are the only ones worth of personal praise down there.

Our impartiality means as a club, just that, being impartial, reporting the bad and the good and resisting the urge for childish knee jerk responses.

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Why is it I read about 3 comments from mem sec and decide to comment, but state not read every comment? Hahahahaha

I've had fair few issues with parts department, mentioned on here... But had far more great dealings with them. Best way to contact them is via email and as soon as they can you'll get a reply. Using phone is a ball ache (sorry) and I'm sure half what is said is forgotten at times.

I've been in the sweat box plenty of times and I can't believe they just sit round drinking tea and ignoring the phones! I can assure you that most the time they're running around and doing things out of their office. Not drinking tea! But Russ and Gav are usually sat at PC screen's sorting out emails when they are in the office and this is best way I've found to get what I need.

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If you've ever run a parts department you'll know that there's a lot more to it than answering the phone.

There's the stock to put away, a daily stock take (of 240th of the bins so it gets done over a year. However they may not have this function), the stock orders to run and edit, the workshop (and factory in this case) to supply. Remember a mechanic is costing between £1 and £2 per MINUTE, so you don't want him standing at the counter any longer than necessary. Then there's general housekeeping like putting stuff returned back in the right bin and general cleaning.

After all that they will be free to answer phones, emails and deal with visitors.

It's amazing what two men can do.

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It's amazing what two men can do.

Been told there's a female there now too, Emma. I'll be in next Friday...

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Started reading this...

Why is it I read about 3 comments from mem sec and decide to comment, but state not read every comment? Hahahahaha

I have that effect on people. First my comments fill people with a burning desire to add something, then it makes them come out with confusing blather. :laugh:;)

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Confusing blather, is he relation to Seb Blather, of FIFA :)

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