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On A Brighter Note

Captain Colonial

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Thought you lads might enjoy this...

In the midst of what has been an absolute s**t festival of a month for me on many, many levels, I had a chat with my grandson's girlfriend, Grace (a name which suits her very well). She's 24, beautiful, charming, funny, intelligent... and well fit. In fact, she used to swim for England, and has a resting heart rate of 35 bpm. (Quite what she sees in him is anyone's guess - maybe my charm has rubbed off on him...naaaaaaah! :laugh: )

Anyway, she was aware of the Westfield and I offered to take her for a spin. Never let it be said that I am not only charitable, but also a sad, demented old man but one who still appreciates beauty and likes to be seen together in public with stunning young ladies to enhance and cement my reputation is a top-drawer (but relatively harmless) rake. :t-up:

To my delight, she enthusiastically agreed, and I took Grace for a blat on some of my favourite Warwickshire roads. I did my best to entertain her with some rather spirited driving, and we both had a great time. She particularly enjoyed blasting away from a set of lights where some "youths" were next to us in a Halfords special, leaving them for stone dead. :cool: I'm not sure she expected someone of my age to still be driving something like that and in quite that fashion, but it certainly made my evening!

So a picture below of Shrek and the princess, me knowingly winking to my step-daughter taking the photo before the blat, indicating Grace didn't know what she was in for! One of the best passengers I've ever had in any of my cars. :love:


Anyone had a similar experience?

Flame away, for I care not a jot! :love::t-up::laugh:

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I had the pleasure of taking a friends girlfriend out for a couple of goes on a track day at Wittering earlier this year (she was a stunner)

I can assure you I made sure the seat belts were very firmly secured and checked :love: , double checked and yes you guessed it triple checked - in a very gentlemanly way you will understand :d

hope the worst is over for you now Scott - just got to let "time" do its thing now :(

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Quite right Cleggy, safety first! I had to adjust Grace's belts a few times as well... :love: Good job we're both so safety conscious! :t-up:

Thanks for the thoughts Cleggy, worst long way from over, but I will not let it get me down. :yes: Life is for the living and is what you make of it! :)

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We used to live in a small village in the peak district. It had a village shop cum post office. It was the centre of all the village gossip. The chief gossiper was rattling on when HM went into the shop. The conversation went along the lines "Well, I don't know if Lynne knows but I saw him in his little car with a blond the other day" . HM made her presence known and the gossip changed subject.

When she came back in she asked me who was the blond I had in the car. I couldn't think as I hadn't had nay women in the car let alone a blond.

At the weekend my daughter and her partner came round. As Paul walked in we lokked at each other and cried "blond!". Paul had very long blond hair and we had been out in the car the weekend before.

Other than that no fit birds in my car - yet!

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good to have you back Scott.....i was expecting an after shot of Grace with hair like a birds nest..... from all the spirited driving.... :-) :t-up:

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Welcome back Scott, your left hand looks a bit dodgy next to that young lasses leg. And yes, where are the after pics, windswept and frantic....you have a certain Benny Hill look about you..

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We used to live in a small village in the peak district. It had a village shop cum office.

Mmmmmmmm really!

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Yes welcome back Scott, good to hear you are heading the right or wrong way, bl**dy perv !!!!!

Bob :):d:):d:):d

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Happy days

At this point VBH was too frightened to look down at what MJ's left hand was up to.

Mark was also unaware of what what his left hand was up to...............

She - looking like a rabbit frozen to the spot staring into the approaching headlights, she looks terrified and MJ's not got the belts on her yet :laugh:

He - well, the facial expression says it all...........


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