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Hamilton To Mercedes, Confirmed!


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what ever the reason,(i think money and guidence from his xix manegment has something to do with it

), Tho all of us can speculate, only he knows the real truth and lets hope its good for him :)

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I got the impression he didn't want to go but was being forced to sign by many things. Money, No. 1 position, the new car, and maybe getting tired of the same outfit he's been with for far too long.

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Would be funny if Perez went on to win the F1 championship in a sllghtly improved McClaren just after Hamilton moves.

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he's a d*** , simple as that ,trying to be a gangsta f1 driver innit

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Good point. Could this be an opportunity of PDR?

Nah, I think Ferrari will hang on to Massa because its what Alonso wants. The last thing he wants is another "up and coming" new driver with lots of ambition trying to scalp him to prove a point....he knows Massa won't challenge him or question his #1 spot - its the same reason Schumacher kept Barrichello in the same position.

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Now there's a driver we really haven't missed this year! I can't see anyone but Massa in that Ferrari seat next year unless he really screws up the rest of this year. There are a few drivers that would suit that role, but Button and Webber aren't available. Kovalainen would probably work too. I guess what their plan is depends on whether you believe Vettel is signed up in some way.

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