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Manchester Area Meeting

Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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  • wrightster


  • Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO


  • Megablade Paul


  • chrisbin


Its getting brighter by the minute  :D

be there early or you wont get on the car park  :0

Hurdsey i will bring you a barrel of snow with me  

It will have to be a small barrel, you wont have space for a big one, cos you've got to come in your Westy, or you'll never live it down  ;)

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you've got to come in your Westy

Hurdsey just cos your an oap - sorry ao doesnt mean you can give orders  :D

i hadnt seen that comment about the straps on my rear wheels  :0  i may have to withdraw my custom from gentlyhosting !!  ???


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Mike, if you ever fancy a run out to the lancashire meeting drop me a pm i am in chorley so not far away  :D

i think the details of location are in WW

If you mean Westfield World, I'm not in the Westfield club....

I'm sure you could send the details to me though ;)

I've looked on the WSCC main page & it isn't listed on there :(

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Sorry guys, not going to be able to make it tonight,

Trip to Boggies has resulted in a fried starter motor/battery Not sure which yet, but either way it was a bump start to get home.

120bhp at the wheels though. :)

Time to don the overalls and investigate


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i hadnt seen that comment about the straps on my rear wheels  :0  i may have to withdraw my custom from gentlyhosting !!  ???


Ahem. What 'custom'?

You might be taking advantage of a free service...but I'd hardly call that 'custom'.

However, if you need any web space :D


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120bhp at the wheels though. :)

120? Awww...cute  :p


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Good evening guys.

Sorry to hijack the thread but, as you all seem to be from around Manchester... there is a car for sale on the board (Darren, SEiW 2 Ltr Pinto).  Anyone seen this car in person?  I'd like anyone's opinion.  Preferably more than one as you might be Darren's bestest friend from school or something  :D  :0

Secondly,  If I decide to view it.  Would anyone be willing to meet me at Manchester station?  I'd need some experienced help.

Cheers people.

Thanks in advance,


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Both Darren and Julian S have cars for sale, Julians cars was at last nights meeting, and very nice it is too, a bargain  :t-up: another very good point, its YELLOW  ;) I couldnt help you with a viewing on either of the next two weekends, but may be able to help you out after that, alternativly Megablade Paul may offer his services .

Anyway back to last nights meeting, faaaantastic, what a turn out, i didnt count how many members were there, but we had 8 Westfields including the joint debuts of Mega Pauls Blade, and Malcolm Hughes XTR2, (I hope you managed to get all the saliva off ok Malcolm after everybody was drooling and dribbling all over your car) also welcome to Manchester newbies Scott, Banaman and Kirk, hope to see you all many times in the future  :D

5 owners bottled it again and came in sensible cars, flippin' eck guys you aint gonna get a better night than last night weather wise, well not in the UK anyway.

Thanks everybody for making Manchester the meeting to be seen at in the North West  :t-up:  :D

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120? Awww...cute  :p

careful ....  :p


Glad you had a good turnout Paul, It was also p'ing it down in Ponte' and had already got soaked on way to and way from Rolling Road.

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Mr CrashBangWallop

Anyone seen this car in person?  I'd like anyone's opinion.  

I have seen Darrens car several times now and would have to say in all honesty that it is a very nice car and well worth viewing  :)  as Paul H says Julians car is also very nice , sorry i cant ofer anymore advice as a bit of a newbie myself but both cars are definately worth viewing - good luck  :)


Thanks everybody for making Manchester the meeting to be seen at in the North West  

all credit to you mate after all you are the AO & i agree top meeting last night  :D  hope to see you on sunday


However, if you need any web space

Cheers Mate  :)

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If you mean Westfield World, I'm not in the Westfield club....

:0  :0  :0  :0

Surely you don't begrudge paying the subs.......??????

Come on Mike, get your act together and do the decent thing...... :t-up:  :t-up:

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Had a great time. V nice blade and XTR2.

BTW. Haven't got Scoobys email address so can someone tell him the site he needs is www.racecarsdirect.com

Cheers. See you all next month.

Mike db......join the frikkin club!!!!!!!!!

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evening people,

Thanks for the replies. Most appreciated.  I can't see Julian S anywhere.  Can someone point me in the right direction, please? Or get him to mail me?

My membership is flying around pipelines at the moment.  So I don't get any brochures/booklets either  :(


Neil :D

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