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Stoneleigh Kit Car Show

Steve Robinson

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Dear All

Once again I am writing to solicit your support for two Club events where a shortage of marshals threatens viability.

Currently, we do not have enough marshals to run The Yorkshire Experience at Harewood on 25th May – or our MSA sprint at Scammonden on 20th July.

Please can you help ?

Any offers to me please and I will pass on the names to the organisers.

Many thanks !


Steve Robinson

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Did you use the title on purpose...??

Stoneleigh - Scammonden - Harewood...???

:durr:  :durr:

More people might look if changed??

Only trying to help :blush:

aha! Done already - I'll just shut up - sorry Steve

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I'm sure Robbo was just planning ahead for 2004  :D  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :D

or possibly a Rioja moment  :D  :D  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D  :D

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Judging by the morning after at Stoneleigh, he probably doesn't even remember this years has happened  :devil:

Count me in for the Scammonden job - as long as you tell me what a marshall does!

Do I git one of dem shiny silver stars, and a couple of six shooters?

:p  :p  :D  :D  :p  :p  :sheep:

Is a meeting of marshalls a posse?

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