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Norman Verona

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Why are we spending time and (more) money negotiating a fee they will be paid.

Pay them their management fee LESS the cost of the army and police officers used to cover the G4S shortage.

They may end up with three and sixpence halfpenney.

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Beacuse, we have to be seen trying to save money. I agree with you it is ridiculous, ane yet another waste of our money

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They should be fined the £54,000,000 that there were paid, give it all to the army, save our pensions!

The army's getting reduced by 16,500 soldiers by 2015, the Olympics used 16,250 troops with 72 hours notice. 13,000 of them were due leave and had it cancelled. None received an extra penny or had leave replaced with other time off. My pension after 2015 is getting reduced by such a great percentage I'm getting out in 2016, not 2024 like I was planning.

The reduction in troops and adjustment in pension is to save £28,500,000 over the next 5 years! So that money could save pensions and redundancies, with enough change to pay every service personnel double pay for the time worked.

This year I have had every leave cancelled and lost a fortune in late cancellation of bookings. Mrs C has booked time off work, but ended up working extra instead of going away. We have had one week off together and that was arranged the Thursday before and spent moving house! I'm not in the busy end of the army, but still messed about beyond belief and if not for financial commitments and plans for investment for retirement I'd be out!

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I wouldn't pay them for breach of contract

I believe they have already agreed to pay all the army/police costs separately, so this would be a penalty in addition to that. The problem with breach of contract is that they possibly aren't in breach of contract....their lawyers will have been far superior to the locog ones when it came to writing the paperwork.

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They should be fined the £54,000,000 that there were paid, give it all to the army, save our pensions!

The army's getting reduced by 16,500 soldiers by 2015, the Olympics used 16,250 troops with 72 hours notice. 13,000 of them were due leave and had it cancelled. None received an extra penny or had leave replaced with other time off. My pension after 2015 is getting reduced by such a great percentage I'm getting out in 2016, not 2024 like I was planning.

Mr C, it was not just the Army that got called up, The Navy got hit hard for it aswell, and we are massively undermanned as it is already, it was a combined operation but it always appears that the Navy gets forgotten about

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I was going to say servicemen, but did not know figures for RAF and Navy. Plus servicemen is no longer correct, service people... Oh no, service men/women is pc now. But my statement was for all personel used. I was not on it, so would not see a penny. However pension saved!

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Oh dear. Have you not heard of the Senior Service.

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Senior Service all the way Coneheead. That is why the Navy can do all three environments, Sea, Air and Land. Yet the Pongos and Crab can only manage one (and only just one in the case of the RAF!!)

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Hmmm Debatable....

I'm sure that we started hitting each other over the heads with wooden sticks before we figured out how to float!

Yes but we did live in caves and thought the earth was flat

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Marines, pride of the Navy, the elite...

Call any marine "Navy Boy" and you'll not be able to run fast enough... Not even jumping in the Westfield would save ya!

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There is history which seems to be forgotten with the marines

Firstly the marines were

ARMY - drafted in to shoot the enemy of there ships eventually taken on by the Navy.....

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Henry V111 created the Royal Navy. National armies came along a few centuries later. The RAF was formed after the first world war.

Hence the Senior Service.

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