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Reinstate The Death Penalty?


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5 pages of should we shouldnt we , just shoot the guilty feckers and have done with

had a intersting chat with a officer i know who works in manchester and he told me a few things about the creegan case that are not public ,and made some interesting comments that you wouldnt think about ,all is not what it seems in the news with the case thats for sure

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Things almost never are in the "meeja", they tell the story they want to tell and cherry pick details to suit their case.

Accidentally drove through the site of the shooting on Friday, (mainly 'cause they've all got the name of the place rang, much to the discuss of the people who actually live there). I hadn't realised exactly where it was, have driven through there hundreds of times. It's just a regular area, quite different to driving through other parts of Manchester, that really do feel like the wild west at times. (in fact, calling it Manchester is a bit of a stretch)

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I wouldn't have called Motram Manchester. However it is policed by Greater Manchester Police.

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It's not actually Motram either! (Not according to some clients living up the road from there, Motram is nearer to Hollinworth (sp?) if I understood right)

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On the day it happened the BBC gave out 3 different place names. It must be a bit confusing if no one can get the name right.

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Anyway, back to the topic.

No point in calling for the death penalty to be reinstated as it isn't going to happen.

Another point is why did he give himself up when he'd been "on the run" for months and remained free. Was it because he thought they would find him now he'd killed 2 police officers and they would gun him down before he could surrender?

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That was my thought! I suspect there may be timing issues (!) with the shout of "halt, armed Police" (or whatever they actually shout these days) and the pulling of the trigger.

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A friend of mine has done time both in the US and the UK.

He readilly admits that UK prison life is easy, however he said he would never ever go back to prison in the states!!

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Another point is why did he give himself up when he'd been "on the run" for months and remained free. Was it because he thought they would find him now he'd killed 2 police officers and they would gun him down before he could surrender?


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5 pages of should we shouldnt we , just shoot the guilty feckers and have done with

had a intersting chat with a officer i know who works in manchester and he told me a few things about the creegan case that are not public ,and made some interesting comments that you wouldnt think about ,all is not what it seems in the news with the case thats for sure

This sounds intruiging... and I wish you could tell :(

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Anyway, back to the topic.

No point in calling for the death penalty to be reinstated as it isn't going to happen.

Another point is why did he give himself up when he'd been "on the run" for months and remained free. Was it because he thought they would find him now he'd killed 2 police officers and they would gun him down before he could surrender?

it has been mentioned in this thread already norman why he did it , and being on the run had taken its toll on him

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how :laugh: you typed it :p:oops:;)

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Did I?

I was referring to the reason he gave himself up. I suppose you're talking of the TV inspiration.

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