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Reinstate The Death Penalty?


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why dont you just include the waterboarding/bedframes with car batteries and all the other things too. helll oops, i said a naughty word! it all and bring back the rack and judas' cradle. why not go the whole hog and sodd of the judicial system and let the public decide whist brandishing pitch forks and burning torches.

you lot are f***** nuts!

If it were my daughter none of the above would be severe enough ! RIP ladies.

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I can understand your feelings. I may well feel the same if it was my daughter.

However murdering him may bring satisfaction but it's not an answer. For me life in prison in a category A prison will give him far more grief than the release that death brings.

If you think prison is a holiday then I can assure you it's not.

Life sentence means life. The judge will recommend the term to be served. A parole board will decide if the convict is suitable to be released after 50% of the sentence has been served and the inmate has been on good behaviour. However, if released the lifer is on parole FOR THE REST OF HIS/HER LIFE and can be recalled too prison if any wrong doing is suggested. No trial, just recalled to prison.

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life for a life . end of

+1 have had enough of hearing about people being killed in cold blood :down: you may have heard on the news about a 23 year old lass being found burning in a car, her relatives live opposite me... i wouldnt lose a wink of sleep setting fire to the ****s responsible and watching them burn slowly!

was at a friends yesterday when she had a phone call from a friend saying the police were patrolling her area and chatting to people on the streets, reason: because 4 black men and a black woman were driving round in a black bmw and abducting kids off the side of the street, other reported incidents have ended in said abducted kids being found dead.... if you honestly believe these sick twisted people dont deserve to die (and thats being nice in my opinion, they would be slowly tortured for weeks on end if i was in charge) then this world is a lesser place!

sad world we live in!

ETA: what is with this let out for good behaviour bulls***! prison should be a bed, a toilet, 4 walls, a locked door and 24 hours in solitary confinement! every day of every week of every month of every year of that criminals sentence! if you dont like it then you shouldnt have become a criminal!

im going to walk the dogs, ive wound myself right up now!

Edited by echoz
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I'm glad we don't have the death penalty. Not because I fancy a spot of murderin' either! For me it's a good thing that society has decided that we do not have the right to unmaturally end a human life. However if a member of my family were murdered, raped, etc you can be sure that for me hung, drawn and quartered wouldn't be good enough.

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That's the problem, we judge criminals with a set of morals they don't have, treat others as you wish to be treated?!

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, but I don't think you'd see as much murdering, raping, stealing and anything else out of order if everyone was blind!?

Another thing that angers me, is why do crimes like rape and paedophilia receive far less in terms of prison sentence time than murder? all 3 of these things should be life, there is no such thing as rehabilitation for someone who commits such an act!

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I can see why a death penalty is no deterrent to this type of killer. Their personal moral code is to kill if slighted. They have already accepted that in their ‘circles’ if they offend the wrong person someone will come after them and then its kill or be killed.

I am quit happy to apply their own moral code to their crime.

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When the Krays were in their prime, you didn't p*ss on their manor. Why would that be, a decent deterent, if you did cross them you would be spoken with and reminded of you responsibilities to follow the rules. As I have mentioned earlier if its a 100% guilty verdict then top em they don't deserve my money to feed them. The 100% may be difficult to achieve and that is down to the judge but lets start at a guilty plea and work back. Yes I know they will all plead innocent but other cases may be when clearly identified by numerous sources people, DNA, CCTV etc.

Don't really know why we need to discuss the finer points as long as no mistakes are made its relatively simple. I wouldn't go for the same way that Sadam Hussein was disposed of, that was a gross error of judgement to be televised like that.

If we have no guilt we should have no fear of being wrongly convicted.

Bob :down:

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Bob, If only.

If we have no guilt we should have no fear of being wrongly convicted.

Tell that to all those imprisoned in error and those hanged in error.

You can never be sure of guilt even when the accused has confessed.

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Indeed, the recent Hillsborough reports are a prime example.

How can you possibly support such irreversible actions, when an entire layer of the police force has been shown willing to "adjust" evidence to suit their purposess and when the government of the day, or at least parts of it have not just gone along with it, but appear to have actively encouraged it for their own political ends.

Sadly even DNA evidence isn't the be all and end all the public is encouraged to believe it is.

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Well good moooorning Norman. If the confession is made without duress the accused obviously needs to be somewhere else. Yes its not a perfect world and as long as we are pandering to the scumbags by giving them a life of Riley ( apologies to all Rileys) it will never improve. That goes for the rest of society as well, I believe we have done government, politicians, bankers etc etc.

100% means no chance of a mistake otherwise its not guilty you can't be either half guilty or half pregnant can you.

Off to pick up my motor after its first service.

Catch up later

Bob :angry:

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But that the point, even the lega system tacitly acknowledges theirs no such thing as 100% proven, its just "beyond reasonable doubt", the key thing being reasonable.

But people also confess for all sorts of screwball reasons. And duress doesn't have to be electrodes on the scrotum!

However, as I said previously, jail term should be back breaking hard work, non productive too, (why take a productive job away from someone who does want to contribute). Prison should be feared, but not 'cause theirs a chance you'll be shiv'd by another prisoner, but be ause of the harsh, comfortless punishingly hard routine. It's not all about rehabilitation.

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I can't remember his name but a chap from Derbyshire confessed to a murder because he had, as we say now, "learning difficulties" . How thought he was supposed to agree with the nice policeman. The Police, thinking they had their man stopped any further investigations and the murderer has gone unpunished.

He spent 30 years in prison for something he didn't do.

On the same subject the number of times I've heard police officers say "I know it's him" when solving serious crime. Problem is if they are wrong they stop looking for anyone else whilst they try and prove the person they're convinced is the culprit.

We are human and are fallible.

I suspect that some of the people who call for the death penalty also strongly object to Sharia law.

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sharia law, an interesting one, having lived with a brother who is a thief, stolen hundreds of pounds worth of money and objects from my parents myself and my sister, id have no objection to having his fingers cut off, in fact if told him i will break them if he steals from me again! idle threats and bad words do not stop people who see no problem with what they are doing. he spent 10 weeks in prison a year and a half ago, he is still teh same idiot that he was when he went in, learnt nothing from his mistakes, nor prison, and i know many others who are the same... :down:

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One way or another the re-offending rates tell me that punishments aren't working.

An extra thought on the death penalty, life imprisonment might be a greater punishment than the "release" of being killed (not sure about that myself) but they don't do life, with the death penalty they definitely won't do it again. Some of this can be about future prevention rather than just punishment.

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