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Reinstate The Death Penalty?


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In my day killing a copper on duty was a capital offence and the sentence would have been a fast dangle from a short rope. Not saying two wrongs make a right but maybe the do gooders have been getting it all wrong that's why society is all screwed up as it is now. Anyhow no matter what some folk feel about the police its a sad day to be murdered whilst at work.

I did work with Pierpoints assistant once and he was a rigger funnily enough.

Bob :down:

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Plenty of folk on death row in the USA. It doesn't seem to deter anyone.

Are murders more prevalent in states without the death penalty compared to states with? If there was an obvious correlation in the comparison we'd have the answer and a stronger argument either way.

I'm going to Google that...

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I would rather people hang than spend the rest of their lives in prison while I pay for them to have 3 meals a day.

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But we aren't in America but we are quickly heading that way. Not only did the scumbag shoot them he threw in a grenade as well. Maybe folk should be more aware of the consequences of there actions instead of a short rent free stay at her majesty's. I quote the example of Mr Brady all do gooders form a queue to free him, unless he has died of course, poor old Winny never made it so why should that scumbag.

As you can tell I do get a little emotive about these types of people but in reality over the years instead of being a very small minority who you read about every few years its getting too regular that we have to endure the reckless actions of people who clearly don't give a flying f**k about people or property its on the increase and its coming your way, mark my words.

Bob :(

Just been told by her majesty that one of the victims used to train at the local lacrosse club, is that getting close enough.

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The Death Penalty Information Center chart seems to suggest that there are more murders in states *with* the death penalty. Make of that what you will.

I appreciate we aren't in America, but I would expect the fear of death from committing a crime to transcend the geographical limitations of the research...

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If this had happened in China he would be fertilizer within the week!

Probably done it to have a cushy long time in rent free accomadation, c/w free Gym, 3 hot meals a day, sky tv, etc, etc.

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I guess one factor could be that if you've murdered someone and that means you are gonna get the death penalty then there's not a lot of downside in murdering one or two more.

Can't help thinking it might be the easy way out for this one though - not sure it's gonna be too cushy for him behind closed doors. And rightly so I might add.

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Blatman, maybe so but surveys can tell you whatever you want, I admit I haven't read your link. What I will say is that if you were that sh*t scared of loosing your life for a certain crime if you were caught, it may make you less inclined to commit it. There is a certain irony that the Islamic code has what we class as barbaric treatment for stealing adultery etc but on the whole it used to work until us Westerners cried shame on you and turn the other check, I don't fully condone that by the way.

My views on this are quite extreme I know, but maybe that's what this once wonderful country of ours needs a bl**dy good kick up the ar*se to stop the rot.

Stuart not sure he will be given a hard time inside more likely he will become a hero.As for BOGOF its a done deal in very poor taste.

Bob :down:

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life for a life . end of

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I would go along with that, nearly, some exceptions but not too many.

Bob :)

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bring it back and while you are on fetch back the cane at school, I think the world has gone down hill fast since punishment at school was stopped, Its starts at an early age , kids know there is no discipline, Ive told my kids teachers they have my consent to clip the little ****s when they step out of line but it will never happen and kids are worse for it !!

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As you can tell I do get a little emotive about these types of people but in reality over the years instead of being a very small minority who you read about every few years its getting too regular that we have to endure the reckless actions of people who clearly don't give a flying f**k about people or property its on the increase and its coming your way, mark my words.

...either that or the media reports it more as it's cheap reporting. Terrible act? Check. Statements available? Check. Shocking? Check. Rather than actually doing any real journalism, like investigating gov't backhanders to BAe <or whatever>.

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If one of those police girls was your own daughter....what would you be saying?

Waste of space in society and agree on this occasion that prison is a useless option, these girls were doing a job trying to protect the public and where cowerdly taken down.

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A few days ago in Guatemala a man killed two children in a school with a machete whilst drunk and on drugs, a couple of school teachers and a load of villagers (mainly parents) threw him into the playground and set fire to him and watched him die....

What I don't get with the scum who killed these two policewomen today was that he later walked into a police station and gave himself up ???

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