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Well Got The Call Today

pete g

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just had me interview to show me my scores missed out by 2 points [fiddle] all done on test scores last year 92% score was not got enough. :d :d :d well time to move on .big pissup tonight with the other sacked lads. :t-up: :t-up: im free agent again

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Good Luck Pete - all will be fine - I had a massive change about 7 years ago and wouldnt ever go back to where i was.... Good luck!!!! James

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il explain next time i see you and bore you to tears :d :d :d :d

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Well, I got made redundant on Monday too so I know how you feel.

Although my payout doesn't exist cos I have only been with the company 18 months and I have 4 weeks notice.

Bit of a bolt from the blue on how soon it was, but not totally unexpected.

Good news today is that a lot of the systems went down and they had no one to fix them so just goes to show how 'redundant' I am :)

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Well, I got made redundant on Monday too so I know how you feel.

Although my payout doesn't exist cos I have only been with the company 18 months and I have 4 weeks notice.

Bit of a bolt from the blue on how soon it was, but not totally unexpected.

Good news today is that a lot of the systems went down and they had no one to fix them so just goes to show how 'redundant' I am :)

You could go back as a contractor and fleece them, I know a couple of Redundees (If thats there're called) Who have returned to virtually the same job and made a mint. Nurses are are good at that too.

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You could go back as a contractor and fleece them, I know a couple of Redundees (If thats there're called) Who have returned to virtually the same job and made a mint. Nurses are are good at that too.

Hmm, not happening that one as i'm going to go for unfair dismissal I think.

Again had a text asking me for more things today.

Good news is I have already secured myself a new job on more money :)

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i thought of going down the road of unfair dismisal but wont get much from a company in adminstration. :down:

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cheers paul had my first interview today with an agency .lets see what they can get me

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From what people tell me Pete, it's hard work being unemployed, it's a full time job looking for a job.

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