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Well Got The Call Today

pete g

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im officaly unemployed from sunday .just got the phone call saying my services are no more required. :down:

on the upside dont have to work tonight and can have christmas off this year :t-up::d :d :d :d

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Sorry to hear that Pete, at least it wasn't totally unexpected.

Time for something new :)

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Well, bad news, but at least you've been prepared for it.

Time for something better? Funny how many people I know that've been in your situation and been spurred on to do the things they've often fancied doing, but just needed that "push".

Good luck and I hope you get sorted out with something new and better soon!

(ps, I got made redundant just over fifteen years ago now, used it as the motivation to set up my own business. At the time it was painful, but with hindsight, I wouldn't e er want to go back)

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Sorry mate its not nice, in my experience it always turns out better in the long run.

Hope you get sorted soon.

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Good luck mate, something will turn up although you may have to push your way through a few walls on the way to better things, have you thought about male modelling after your brief spell in the papers :suspect::o:laugh::yes:

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Good luck mate, something will turn up although you may have to push your way through a few walls on the way to better things, have you thought about male modelling after your brief spell in the papers :suspect::o:laugh::yes:

well theres an idea pete :laugh: :laugh: just had a agency up london call .got to go up on friday for interview hope its for electrical work not nude modelling work :d :d :d

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Pete, you're almost bound to find it'll turn out for the best.

Why not set up on your own, those that do it and work really hard in the first years say they'd never go back to being employed.

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Sorry it's come to this. A personal and national loss that should really have been averted. Hopefully onwards and upwards though.


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All the best mate, as every one else has said, push forward and you will do great. Self employed is a great space to be in..

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Good luck with you search for employment,not nice to be made redundent but most of the people i know that have, are doing ok now...Motivation and hard work and you will be ok.

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Good Luck Mate, i've had it twice and both times i found a better jobs anyway, so there loss :-) Just keep a open attitude, as if your good there is always work out there

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