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Paul Morcom

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Just to let you all know I can't make Saturday so although my trailer will be there from Friday afternoon I won't be arriving until Saturday evening. I have notified Tony Fletcher so you shouldn't hear my name mentioned on the PA system :)

Hopefully catch up with those that are there for some pub grub and a few beers on Saturday evening.

Good luck to all.

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Just to let you all know I can't make Saturday so although my trailer will be there from Friday afternoon I won't be arriving until Saturday evening. I have notified Tony Fletcher so you shouldn't hear my name mentioned on the PA system :)

Dont bank on it :laugh::p

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nice friendly Mr Fletcher!

I dont think so! :angry:

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whats the best route from south to get there coming upthe m40 do i get on the m6 or avoid please should be at that part of journey about 2pm

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whats the best route from south to get there coming upthe m40 do i get on the m6 or avoid please should be at that part of journey about 2pm

Hi Pete, I think you'll have to get on the M6, as far as the M54, then follow that to A5, round Srewsbury bypass etc. Try Googling it though.

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and for all first time drivers to Loton - DO NOT miss your first time drivers briefing ;) ;) if you do the amiable and hospitable Mr F has been known to throw people out and not allow them to compete :( :(

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Mr F is a pain in the A*** and is a major reason I have never revisited Loton. I dont pay good money to be talked to like a school kid and for someone to be so objectionable without good reason. He needs a personality transplant or a kick up the rear end ( which he almost got from Gary Smith a couple of years ago).

He abuses his authority and gets the place a bad name

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Lets not forget Mr E........... that this is the same affable, courteous, polite and chirpy chappy Mr F that for many years has also sat on the MSA committee (affecting the WSCC Speed Series and all other UK championships) and was also responsible not just for the Loton Championship and events but also highly prestigious National UK championship ;) ;) sadly Terry you and Gary are on the same list as many more :( :( so be in good company and enjoy Loton in all its glory and try and ignore him ;)

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Unlikely to ever revisit the place.

Apparently if you are in a single seater or a classic car you are treated with a little more courtesy

He did nothing to help my brother Steve recover car and get onto trailer after a big crash into the tyres on the corner before finish. He just got angry and said move it! Not that there was anywhere to move to and we were not blocking any part of the paddock. When I asked if driver was ok as he was my brother he just said |"go away" we have an incident to deal with.

Rant over

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:( :( :( :( :angry: :angry: :arse: :A***: :arse: :A***: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
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had a go at me about my licence last meeting a few weeks ago , because i had upgraded and the msa had issued me a document to cover me for that meeting until my new licence arrived , he nearly refused it even thougfh it was a official document from the msa licencing department ,ranting that he writes the rules and the msa couldnt do that etc etc blardy blah

clicky vvvvvv


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He is quite famous, or should that be infamous?!, but I'm pleased to say that so far at least I haven't crossed swords with him. I quite understand Terry's position; he was appallingly treated when Steve had his "off", although by all accounts it wasn't personal Tel, he treats everybody like that from time to time. :bangshead: :bangshead:

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He is quite famous, or should that be infamous?!, but I'm pleased to say that so far at least I haven't crossed swords with him. I quite understand Terry's position; he was appallingly treated when Steve had his "off", although by all accounts it wasn't personal Tel, he treats everybody like that from time to time. :bangshead: :bangshead:

little man with no life sindrome

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Ah yes Mr F on top form as usual, but also of note was a certain scrotineer who tarnished a log book with scrawl and a paddock marshall who asked for a nice car to be moved. About expected of Loton these days it seems!!!! ???:suspect:

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