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Enjoy Your Westfield While You Can, If You Can Get Over The Guilt!


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A depressing 35 minute video about the reality of oil..............................

All true...........

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No need to watch it personally, but thanks, I'm sure it's interesting stuff. I'm playing hooky tomorrow for several reasons, all personal, and I'm going for a hard and heavy blat. I've now reached an age where my personal motto is, "Wasting precious limited fossil fuels, so future generations don't have to." :)

Selfish? Yes. Foolish? Perhaps. Do I need to do it? After today - more than ever.

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Sorry, but this is a load of rubbish.

The report details how the rate of discovery of oil peaked in the middle of the last century, which is correct. The inference is that the oil is not there to discover. However, when you add in other aspects, such as how much money has been spent on finding new oil wells, you get a very different picture.

An example of this is the high profile given to the emergence in recent years of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. This happened because resources that would normally have been used to continue to keeping pace with the continually changing bacteria were focused on finding cures / treatment for AIDs. Now that there are a range of drugs that, whilst not curing AIDs, are able to hold it at bay. I am not saying that AIDs/HIV has been cured but it is no longer the issue that it was.

As a result resources were then focused on dealing with the problem of MRSA and as a result of improved hygiene and new antibiotics, MRSA and VRSA are no longer the problem that they were.

With oil, the increase in price will mean that sources of oil that historically have not been viable due to cost, will be. Just look at the disaster of BP in the Caribbean - deep sea exploration is still going on despite what happened.

The report also looks at renewable energy sources and judges each of them in isolation and not as part of the whole.

It also dismisses nuclear fusion in just one sentence saying it is to complex. Anyone remember that Tomorrow's World that said mobile phones weren't going to happen because it was technically too difficult. The EU is in the process of building a medium size reactor which should be able to produce net positive energy and that while fully commercial fusion may be decades away, it is no further than the time that scare mongers say we will run out of oil.

Having said all of this I have cycled everywhere for 30 years and only stopped when my knees wore out, so I feel no guilt using as much of the stuff as I can.


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Very good but to take any advantage the supply and demand chain has to be moderated and controlled. Whilst population is increasing in mainly third world countries and the major users of hydrocarbons are reluctant to cut back then what chance have we got. Even if we become totally self sufficient as a society the multinationals promote consumerism and we are the must have sociey/world, although forced moderation by the recession may have some beneficial side effects ( don't really think so ). So best either all get on board or get your cars out and enjoy them whilst you can. We blew our North Sea oil and our coal remains under the ground for a political reason. America is importing more oil than it uses and is sitting on bucket loads they don't want to run out do they. Protectionism by the various companies and countries ensures they or the share holders make shed loads. We are going to screw it all up. Do we honestly believe that the oil prices are not engineered to take best advantage of the current situations. The Falkland Islands being one of the areas I suspect will become hot potatoes. Nothing new in the film clip just a slow decline to oblivion. Just filled up my motor and about to do an oil change. China prevails.

Bob confirmed cynic :d :d

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I wouldn't worry as sooner or later a horrible disease is going to wipe out half the population of the world and those that survive wont need to worry about fuel shortages.

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A very slanted piece. Oil is still being found and developed, unfortunatly the majority is in areas where we have issues with. Russia, the middle East for example. That is why both the US and the UK are looking to have alternative scources of energy hence the subsideis to wind and wave generation until the cern scientists crack cold fusion for nuclear energy. As cost increases for oil as it will some of the more crack pot ideas will emege as will older technology. As a country we are sat on billions of tons of coal which can all be turned into petrol and oil products as South Africa developed during the trade embargoes of the aparthid era.

Iceland is sat on a gold mine of energy, they can build geothermal power plants to supply energy to anywhere they can lay cables to, we could do the same if we went deep enough. The possibilities are endless if anything this sort of film accelerates the discovery of new technologies so the future is never as bad as it seems.

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Have you noticed the price of a litre of petrol and realised that there still is no viable alternative yet at the same time considering that very soon China is going to be the worlds biggest oil consumer.

This cannot go on the way it is...................something has to give and I believe our way of life that has to change to be more energy efficient while at the same time time population growth has to stop.

Anyway I have just had lots of beer and am going to Newcastle on the Tyne to have lots more all weekend................................so thank you spell checker, otherwise no one could understand this!!!!! :d

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Apocaholism, the new religion, Matt Ridley demolishes the cult in his 'A history of failed predictions of doom', ecofundies are just the latest in a long line that started with Ned Ludd, continued on through Militant Tendency and are now manipulating 'green' organisations like the World Wildlife Fund and the UN's IPCC...

On fuel for vehicles, Joule Unlimited's first industrial plant, constructed in Arizona, 'growing' diesel from waste water (sewage), sunlight, CO2 from the atmosphere and bio engineered enzymes will be delivering diesel at costs as low as $0.17 per litre by January 2013.

The company's Helioculture™ platform incorporates proprietary, engineered photosynthetic microorganisms to directly produce infrastructure-ready diesel, ethanol and multiple chemicals with no dependence on biomass feedstocks, agricultural land or fresh water. In parallel, Joule has developed a novel SolarConverter® system to enable the direct, continuous process with productivities that will be up to 100 times greater than biomass-dependent methods, which require numerous energy-intensive steps and downstream processing to achieve an end product. In contrast, using sunlight, non-potable water and waste CO2 from industrial emitters or pipelines, Joule can directly produce up to 15,000 gallons of diesel and 25,000 gallons of ethanol per acre annually at stable costs as low as $20/bble and $0.60/gallon respectively (including subsidies).

Say goodbye to BEVs, they are less clean and more expensive

Joule Unlimited -|- An Industry perspective

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I can remember when I was at school the doom merchants said oil will run out by the year 2000 ------- hmmmmm, still plenty around.

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The more fuel costs go up, the more viable alternatives become. So long as we haven't blown each other up, mankind will prevail without mouldy dinosaurs in their vehicles/factories.

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As, i think Jay Leno (car collector with 100's to his name) has said in the past fossil fuel type propulsion will be a bit like horses in the late 1800's and early 1900's..... yesterday's technology and be supported by only people who love them (eg: horses were work animals and are now mostly a leisure activity), but while i agree to a certain amount, all the energy companies in the world are spending billions on developing synthetic fuels, which will eventually replace fossil fuels, as this is still cheaper than turning the whole world wide economy to a different energy source (eg:solar, wind, wave energy etc, which is chronically inefficient when you look at the overall carbon footprint), for the efficiency that petroleum based product gives.

At some point in the future a tipping balance will come when synthetic fuels, despite how expensive they might be, will become the dominant force in the world wide economy as despite the amount of solar panels on our roofs to power our electric cars, we will still need to power manufacturing, the service economy and our homes with instant a supply of energy.

Sadly, i feel that the use of energy, be it in cars, our houses or business. will eventually become even more expensive than it is at the moment. Which will make the poorer within our society, let alone the poorer nations on our planet, become even more angry than they are at the moment.

The next world empire could well be the nation or continent to harnesses the sustainable energy to power their economy in the long term!

DISCUSS!! (please note i'm not a lefty tree hugger, i'm jut fascinated by the world economy!) ;)

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Which comes to the point of why we have been only discussing the Seven Barage for the last 10 years when we have the second largest tidal what do you call it in the World....

Get a grip Cameron!

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