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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Well, yesterdays thunder storms didn't materialise, at least not here. We live in a "bowl", this has two effects. Firstly when the farmers cut crops the dust stays in the air for days. The doctors surgery is full of asthma and hay fever sufferers. Secondly we seem to keep a "hole" above us. Many days we're in clear blue skies with brilliant sunshine but if I walk to the middle of the small field and look at the four horizons I can see cloud formations.


It's now clear and sunny but France Meteo says we will have showers and local storms later.

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well its wet and windy in Cornwall this morning, not good as it is meant to be a running day for me today

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I was looking for this thread, I had good news!!!

Started another thread.

The weather here is not worth mentioning, woken up by Mrs C, who within 2 seconds of me being awake decided to have a go at me. Great way to start the day that is, full blown argument before even having morning dump, shower or breakfast.

Shocking weather, so chilling out in the garden is out of the question...

I think I'll stay away from here today!

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It's supposed to rain all day today. It rained in the night, it's now dull and damp but not raining. I went to the Pugeot dealer this morning to get the aircon recharged. Of, course, now that it's working it will not be hot again!


New boots this afternoon and then a good run to try it out. The new clutch should be here tomorrow and I'm planning to fit it on Friday as Saturday is supposed to be fine.

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Well the sun is shining in Cornwall, however not fot long I believe, so no night flying tonight

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Dull and grey here this morning. It has rained overnight but, unless it's very fine, it isn't at the moment.


Yesterdays rain was extremely fine. I was standing in front of the gites talking to the man fixing the roof and after a few minutes realised I was getting wet. The rain was so fine you couldn't see or feel it.


Anyway, off to Angers this morning to get some stuff for the Honda and then I'm treating (bribe would be a better description) HM to a Chinese lunch. Will start getting the clutch out of the Honda when we return.

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well its wet in Cornwall, been raining all night and is still going strong this morning.


Apparently it will clear through by about 1600

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It's nice and sunny down here in Western Australia and a very nice 25 Deg C..............thankfully it is winter and not the usual 40 + !...............have a nice day everyone

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Well just been out on the bike, and it is very wet on the lanes, came back wet and middy

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Good morning all, it's overcast and threating rain here on the M6 in Warwickshire!

If you are wondering about me typing this.....I am stationary, southbound just before M69 junction. Been here about 20 mins but could be another hour yet, I will be late for my clients.

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Been raining overnight, now very dull and grey, sunshine due this afternoon. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow so I may be able to burn some of my new rubber.

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Mrs C's gone to work, me alone till 2100hrs tonight. Grey and wet. Nothing new falling from the sky. But I'm considering going back to bed for the day. Had zero sleep, as grumpy as Norman on a bad day. As limp Bizkit once stated:

"I've had enough of the he said, she said bull s**t...

It's just gonna be one of those days you feel like rippin' someone's head off!"

But this weekend I'll be back in Charmouth, looking at houses!

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Grey, overcast and fine misty rain here in Cheshire

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I'm up bright and early this morning, got to get that bl**** car finished!


It's not raining, it's bright but not sunny and the forcast is for sun and a bit warmer,


Right, into battle.

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up with the lark this morning . Rain forecast forever more again.

Considering getting back in bed but have decided to do some dusting

and fix slate on garage roof when gap in rain comes along.

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