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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Ahh yeah Navy, sorry expected a Plymouthian to be aware, it was there call sign during the war.

Wembury is a nice area, in fact most of South Devon is, I just can't stand Plymouth anymore

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It's been dull and grey in sheffield and huddersfield today. Lets see what it's like in derby tomorrow.

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Another goregous day in Cornwall, the sun is out and it is already quite warm

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Arrived in Paris yesterday, torrential downpour....still had a great time. Restaurant near the hotel was wonderful,Au Chien....Qui Fume. I am liking this France experience....will be coming back.

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Bright sunshine in Sheffield. We're off to Derby today, and I'm also popping down to Warwick.

Let's hope it stays sunny.

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Another glorious day in Cornwall, and not in work until 1300 so time to rebleed the brakes the morning

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Fabulous weather here.Popped home for lunch........back to work ,then home again....EARLY.....then out for a blat....in or on one of my toys. Doesn't get a lot better than this.

Unless you're 'retired' & living in France.

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Well I spent the morning bleeding brakes, to find out they were actually quite well done alredy. Still they are ****

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It's perfect here today. It was OK yesterday once we got away from the pas de Calais area.


Thunderstorms due tomorrow.

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It's perfect spring weather here in SE Essex and has been all week.   Feel sorry for you Northern Folk and the poor souls in Central Europe.

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Another good day in Cornwall, a little cloud but still warm

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We have a few clouds and it's not exactly hot but not cold. Going outside again to take pictures of a wheel nut.

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Just popped in whilst the boiling tractor cools down.


It's lovely out there, no clouds and sunshine. Maybe it'll change later.

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Same here now Norm, sadly I am now in work for the rest of the day, so I just get to stare at it out the windows

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