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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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NO like I said its recorded and I will get around to watching it. But you are right, Entertainment will always trump facts

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Sorry, didn't realise you had recorded it. Let me know what you think when you've watched it.

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Good morning. Same weather, rained on and off during the night. Now dull and very still.

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Norm, I was flying that night I have it to watch at some point. From what I heard it was a good tribute, but missed several key facts from it, and completely missed my MK of it. But hey ho

What's MK?

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No idea, I take it to be Milton Keynes but I suspect it's a navy term.


Good morning all. Bright and sunny here. According to the forecast it won't last long.


I suggested we go to the new Chinese (by new I mean it's been there about a year) restaurant in Chateaubriant today for lunch.


Can't do that as she has a hairdressers appointment at 14:00.


OK, tomorrow then. No I've a casserole to cook. She needs to be here to cuddle it or something.


OK, Friday?. No another casserole as she's going to a dress party Friday night.


SO we settled for Saturday. 

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What's MK?

Definately not the home of the Cement Cow, although I was there last week on my travels.

So I meant Mark, I fly the Mark7 Seaking, rather than the Mark 3/5 SAR

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All is clear.


So what did you think of the programme?

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Its on the viewing plan for this evening now Norman, I got stuck in work until about 2100

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OK, I'll be watching the footie.


It's been raining non-stop here.

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Belated good morning.


It's bright and sunny and a very warm 16 c, here. At last summer's on it's way. Just seems that winter's been going on forever.

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Its chuffin freezing here, Steve wuvvers birthday and hes done the snow d*ick again  :d , everyone seems bored stiff  :bangshead: , even Crashioli is staying in. Measured up my shed for plywood lining watched the same film with Nicholas Cage in National Treasure I think from another post. B*gger all on TV, just watched the Motor Racing programme from last week not very impressed but not bad. F1 practise average, Suzi Perry now theres something to fantasize about for a while  :zzz: . Just looked at the TV schedule not good, think I'll have a small glass of port probably followed by another when the witching hour comes.


Thats when the missus is out visiting her little sister.


Bob (bored from Sale) :down:

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Good morning all. 


The sun is shining, it looks nice outside and my computer is working properly this morning.


Everything is good in the world - my world at last.

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Sun shining here to......plus 8 today.

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Talking of good news, local art gallery has taken a good selection of our images and have them on display. Don't we feel special..

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