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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Mornin, Blue Mink sang that song. Was called good morning freedom....

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Ah, Blue Mink. My friend was with them in the early days. I think they still owe him money.


We've had snow flurries during the day. Nothing heavy or even settling, looks more like dust blowing around. Sun's shining now.

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Good morning all. It's dull and grey here. But it's predicted clear blue and sun for Sunday and Monday with 12 c for Monday.

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Good morning world it's a brand new day


who sang that?


I do believe that it was called Good morning freedom and was sung by   Blue Mink . ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bYvMw-p3Eo

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Good morning all from deepest Cornwall, 


overcast but surprisingly warm today, just been out for an hour with the dogs now time to get the chile ready for football

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Good morning all. Still very dull. It was supposed to be sunny but that's been postponed until tomorrow.


Next week we'll be into double figures.

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Morning all!


its a bit nippy but not a cloud in the sky sun all weekend apparently here in sunny manchester!


think the side ways grunt monster is coming out later :angry::laugh:

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Good morning all.


Started a bit hazy but clear blue and sunny now.


I'm going to charge the battery on the Fiat this morning, then, after lunch go for our walk and then get the Fiat loaded with tiles for the new porch. I will get the back of the Fiat next to the tiles which are stored in the long barn (next to the gites). But will have to carry them from the back of the car into the porch.


I may sleep well tonight.

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A belated good morning, was in work too early to go flying on a Monday. But hey ho thats life in the military !!

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AJ, I watched the programme on the Sea King helicopter last night.


All I can say was it made me proud to be British.

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Morning, we have had a blizzard, freezing temps and well over a foot of snow. Highways closed down and emergency Centre opened for stranded travelers.

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We've just returned from our walk around the lake. It was so warm we both removed our coats. Brilliant sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. Must be about 20 c in the sun.


Right, off to get 130 hand made clay tiles from the garage to the porch. 


I'll try not to injure myself.

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Don't work up to much of a sweat....

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I'm going shoveling snow,,,again!

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