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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Good morning all.


Guess what, yes, it's raining.

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Good morning all. Very blue sky and wonderful sunshine. Supposed to get to 10 c this afternoon.


Looking forward to my walk this afternoon in a warm sun.

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Good Morning, from a bright and sunny brum, the forecast says it might reach the heady heights of a full 5 degrees celsius.

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Morning Steve. We have clear blue skies and warm sunshine.


I had to remove the under tray on the A6 this morning, it fell down yet again so now it's completely off.


Then the Iggy-Oggy man came and took an old Peugeot engine and gearbox and the old grass cutter.


OK, I can hear the wheels grinding. Iggy-Oggy is what we used to call the scrap man who came round with his horse and cart, just like Steptoe. He load and plaintive cry of "Any Old Iron" sounded like "Iggy Oggy"

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The old rag an bone man.....been to one of my daughters house today, she is selling so Guess who gets to do the repaint....we painted living room, dining room, bedroom and office plus the hallways....I'm cream crackered...

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That's him, only remembered by old farts like us.


Haven't you had enough doing your own place up.


I've still got a day or two's work to finish this place off but just can't get any enthusiasm for it. I did say I'd do it in the winter now I'm saying I'll do it in the spring. 


I'll wake up one morning and get it done, until then it can wait,

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Good morning all. Brilliant sunshine here but not warm. Who cares it's the sunshine I need.


Forecast is for next 4 days of clear blue and sun.

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Mornin Norm, it's cold and snowy here, send us some of that curran bun will ya! Kids, can't refuse helping them out, suffering for it today though, where's my walker.....

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Good morning all from a very frosty but sunny France.


I'm off to the vampire so see you later.

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