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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Good morning all, off to see a vampire now, see you later.

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Good morning all, off to see a vampire now, see you later.


Got my six monthly vampire visit on Monday, with the follow up trip to nursy for the rest of the checks on Friday. Amazing how those six months just keep whizzing by.

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I did, she was very nice.


Mines about every month.

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Good morning all. very still and grey here, But a bit of blue so it may be brighter later.

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Morning All,


Sunny but cold in Surrey

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Morning all....it's another fine day in Gotham city


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Good morning all, it's raining. And predicted for all day and tomorrow. Showers on Monday and Tuesday.


Oh well must be the wettest it's ever been here. we normally have 4 days rain over winter, we're now getting 4 days a week!

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Good morning all, raining here again.

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Here too Norman. It's definitely a 'stay in and watch the rugby' day...

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Good morning,

Weather here beats the frost and snow we had yesterday.

The world as a whole seems a bit brighter and I head some lovely positive things said towards my military discharge. Mrs C has made me breakfast in bed and we're gonna get dressed, go shopping and get back into pyjama's for the day!

Once out, settled and know for positive financial situation I'll be looking for ideas on what to try next. Tree surgery tops the list so far, however... Rain, snow and in ten years time I may regret not considering other options. I just want to be well away from people and nursing! Paid my debt to society I feel with 11 years service to the poor excuse of a government and country. Pooped on most of that time and slogged guts out. So a bit of chill out and a job I can leave at work.

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Good Morning...snowy sleaty c**p here in Leeds.

A garage day beckons but missus wants me to clean the house :-(

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Here too Norman. It's definitely a 'stay in and watch the rugby' day...


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