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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Sounds good, haven't been there for years.

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Well it was a good morning, but the rest of the day was not so good.  Worst of all yet another day not getting in the garage

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Mornin, it's going to be plus five today and some of the grandchildren are coming for a visit.....westy time....

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plan A worked a treat, mirrors sorted and waggling. Test run out in the grey but dryish day. Bit of fishtailing off the drive to start with.  Can see plenty if I wish to move em about. Her indoors has sadly had to go out to her mums, I've also been out, viewed and said yes to some wheels and wet tyres for my next track day. Just waiting for the araldite to dry on my super fuel funnel mod, god its  a tough old life. Makes a change having a weekend off now that work has sorted its little problems out.


Oh theres a bit of a rugby match on as well. I did spend some of yesterday booking hotels for my summer hols, another expedition to deepest USA.


Bob  :d  :d :d  :d  

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Good morning all. Not raining - yet.


Bit dull but bright areas as well.


Breakfast and off for the walk.

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Morning all, dragged myself into work after a night watching American Football for no reason.

It was sunny in Cornwall, now rather overcast and miserable

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No walk yet, it's raining now.


We were in New Orleans some years ago and sat down in the lounge to watch the Super Bowl. It went on and on and on. A family from Chicago was also watching and they tried to explain what was going on. I don't think we had more than a few minutes play without a time out or some other interruption. After 3 hours we all gave up and went out for something to eat.


The chap was about 30 stone and, you won't believe this, was a pork belly futures trader on the Chicago "pit".


When we got back to the hotel the side that was losing heavily at half time had won. 

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Good morning from a sunny Ellesmere Port......though it was snowing a short while ago!  :)


My clients are stuck in snow around Manchester so it looks like its a catch up with paperwork day  :down: ....boring!

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Good morning all.


I'm starting on a new project today.


I'm going to build an Ark. If it rains much more we're going to need it.

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It will have.


Rains stopped now and sun is shining.

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Morning all, its blowing a gale in Cornwall but luckily the right way for a change, so the cycle into work was easy this morning

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Good morning all, It's been raining all night. Stopped now but supposed to be showers all day.

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