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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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I would get your walk in today Norman, I think tomorrow is going to be a wet one for you

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That's what France Meteo says. It's clouded over now.

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lovely day here bit windy though


garage is like a new pin

car arriving saturday

bank account empty


is all this posting a sign of accute boredom disease? :sheep:

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Its a sign of something, first time this week that I have had an oppurtunity to have a decent look at the forum !!

Haze is setting in across Cornwall, however the sun is still attempting to shine and at least it is dry at the moment

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Been and done our walk. It wasn't sunny but whilst, not warm it isn't cold. Fresh is how I'd describe it.

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Martin, it is "sarfend" but it's one word as in "Southend". It's real name is Southend on sea, but I prefer Southend on mud.

Thanks Norman, I did forget that it is one word not two! The mud reference is understandable, however my favourite is on the the other side of the country, Weston-super-Mud


Anyway, good morning from a very wet Southend on Sea, or on mud if you prefer. Should be finished here by 10am, on to a meeting in Hertfordshire and hopefully on the way home by about 2pm.



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It's rained almost all night, woke us up at 3! We have 3 large Velux windows upstairs and heavy rain makes a lot of noise on them.


It's still raining.


Whatever, good morning all.

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Well the sun is shining in Cornwall which is nice, lets hope it stays around for a while

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I'm hoping we get some sun this afternoon.

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Good morning all.


After a day of non-stop heavy rain when the pond overflowed we awake to clear blue skies and sunshine.


The fields are waterlogged with standing water.


Oh well it'll help the grass grow - like I need that!

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Bright blue skies and a covering of frost in East Cheshire. Might just finish off my electrics and go out in the car, then again her indoors may have "plans"


Bob :cry:  :cry: :cry:  :cry:  

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First day without rain for weeks - frosty but give it a few hours and I will be out for my first ever proper blat.

Heading to the Mourne Moutains here in N Ireland, so that will give my new build a good old testing. Might even be on my second ever tank of fuel by the end of the day!! Lol

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Bob, they always have plans. Why not do as I do, be such a pain that they don't want you tagging along and go on their own.


Andy, good luck and take it easy. Wonderful country your visiting.

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Thanks Norman - made it home safe and even crossed 100 miles on the odometer (not 100 mph!!!). Takes a while to get used to, doesn't just turn in as sharp as I would like, but that is probably due to set up. A slightly squirmy back end on a couple of occasions was enough to keep me sensible. All in all a brilliant day - wife enjoyed it too, although I think the highlight for her was tea and a tray bake in the Slieve Donard Hotel. Lol

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