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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Morning to one and all.   Weather changing again for us, snow again tonight and minus 30 tomorrow.  

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Good morning all, heavy rain here .... and for the next 3 days. We'll get washed away if this doesn't stop soon.

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It's not minus 30, it's minus 37° c........kin ell.....

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Stay indoors and keep warm.


When I started work I was "placed" with a chap who had been in the tank regiment during the war. They had been shipped out to Archangel in Russia for a few weeks. He said it was -60 and if you threw your steaming hot cup of tea in the air it instantly turned to ice, The chains on the tanks would shatter like glass if dropped onto hard ground. But the best was, if they were outside, they pee'd in the pants as if you they got it out to pee it would freeze as would the pee.


They were brought back after a few weeks as the Russians decided they didn't want them.


"What did you do in the war, Daddy"

"pee'd ice, son"

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Well shock horror, the sun is shining in Cornwall today.

Lets hope it stays that way, so I can go flying

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Good morning (well just).


It rained and blew a gale through the night. Came down this morning and it's stopped raining and the wind has dropped. open the Meteo email and it says sunny periods this afternoon. As I started typing this a squally shower started and was battering against the window.


Oh, well, I look forward to sunny periods and shopping this afternoon.

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Good morning all, working in a wet South End again....sky clearing though as I type! Was wet in the Midlands and extremely heavy downpours through Cambridge and high winds all the way. So if you have to travel, 'lets be careful out there'.

BTW, I was given instruction on my diction last time down here.....I believe 'Saarff End' is the correct way to pronounce the name!

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Martin, it is "sarfend" but it's one word as in "Southend". It's real name is Southend on sea, but I prefer Southend on mud.

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Morning from a dry Cornwall, cant wait to get this week over and done. Fed up of 14 hour days

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Good morning all, it's nice a sunny here. Supposed to be raining. Better go for our walk whilst the sun shines.

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