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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Good morning Shindha, morning all.


It was supposed to be sunny periods today but it's foggy now and is supposed to be cloudy later. We've postponed our walk to this afternoon.

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Very late good morning , or is that have a nice day. From San Francisco.


Been here for a week and am full of Beef. will be glad to get back to U.K.

for a nice Fish Supper,  

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Good morning all. Cloudy again here but not as bad as yesterday.


Yesterday was like being in Mordor.

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Good morning all.


It snowed here last night. The cloud cover must have been very thick as we lost the signal from the sat dish.


This turned to rain at about 1 am but this morning there's still snow on the ground and roofs. But it's clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine now.



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Morning all, bl**** cold but no snow, at least not fresh stuff.

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Morning Steve, you both OK? Haven't seen you for a few days.

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Good morning all.


Big shiny moon last night, lots of twinkling stars and this morning brilliant sunshine and 13 c. Can't really get better for January.

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Sure does. But it's rained her more than it normally does. We usually get 4 or 5 days of heavy rain A YEAR with a few showery days in between. We've had 2 or 3 days heavy rain A WEEK over the last 6 weeks. The ground is sodden and we can't walk across the fields.

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Good morning from a very hot and sunny Barbados. Just had breakfast, now laid out on a sun bed next to pool trying to decide what else to do (if anything) today. Barman already thinks I have a drink problem, last night he offered to connect a hose direct to the beer pump so I could use it as a straw save him keep running up and down the bar to keep filling my glass.

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I dont think it is morning anymore, but today has been a very long day !!  Had my annual check today at work, hour long written exam followed by a four hour oral exam !!!

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Sounds tough.


The morning here was very warm, I did some clearing up outside and ended up in shirtsleeves. We went for our walk this afternoon and it had clouded over and was chilly. On the second circuit, half way round the lake it stared to rain. HM had a hood on her coat, I just got wet.

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