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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Ok, I'm conscious,I think...Mornin all and merry Christmas again. Not raining here, minus 27°c and snowing....kinnel...staying home and being very jolly..HIC

! ;-)

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Morning Steve, your e-mail must still be swimming across the Pacific.

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Morning all, well that's it all donor another year, hand it is still raining in Cornwall

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Morning AJ, morning all.


It's quiet bright here. No rain either. It'll take weeks for the fields to dry out.


Other problem is because the temperature is above 8 c the grass is still growing. It'll be a nightmare to cut next spring. Especially if it rains during spring as it did last year. I need 3 or 4 days warm sun on the fields to dry them out before I can cut the grass. If it's slightly damp it just clogs up in the mower.


Ca la vie.

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Another night, another jam session, another headache pill needed.....mornin!

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Morning Steve. Do you think you'll ever sober up?

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Well ive ate the last of my mince pies . Seems its all over now . Days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter .

Roll on spring when we hope the rain will have stopped and its hit the road again.


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Morning all. It was raining at 5 am. But dry and still now.


I tried sleeping in a chair last night but still didn't get any sleep.


I've surrendered and going to the Doctors at Treize huere or was that Seize huere. Women! I'll take it as Treize as that's what she said first.

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Morning all and Merry Christmas to one and all etc. Bit late but never mind eh. 

Just up after the family do yesterday, cooked for 15. House was full and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. One of the only times I've had the full brood over in one place at the same time. The usual challenge to drink the booze supply dry failed but I tried my best with the Drambuie coffees. Head suprisingly good this morning but didn't sleep due to the copious coffees. Must ensure the spirit to coffee ratio is improved.


May suss out how to attach my new FW rear arch protectors without permanent damage like rivet holes. Believe tigerseal is recommended but will need to read up as I want to be able to take the wings off at some time. Need something which wont damage the gel coat underneath. Just been offered some none alcoholic toast by her indoors. So I guess the initial skirmish with Christmas went pretty well so far.


Grey and dampish in East Cheshire at the moment


Bob  ;)

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Morning all. Bright and sunny on Dartmoor this morning but the dog has already had a swim and it's sodden underfoot. Occasional very heavy showers but still quite warm!

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Morning all. dry and dull here. That's me, funny but the weathers the same.

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Morning Steve. Do you think you'll ever sober up?
afternoon Norm, not of I can help it! ;-)
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Good morning all.


Bright, sunny and dry here.

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