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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Forgot this morning.


Good morning all, it's raining here.


If you don't here from me in the next few days (you'll notice!) it's because we've floated away.

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A pleasant sunny Sunday Morning here, just had a blat out delivering the last few Christmas cards and catching up with a few old friends. Then a stop off at the local M&S foody place to stock up on cheese and a few last minute bits and bobs. Always get some great funny looks loading the Westfield up with shopping :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::westy::xmas:

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Our local shop asked if I could pop over the the cash and carry to get some wine and stuff for the village hall.


Not sure how you "pop" to a C&C which is on the far side of Angers about 100 kms away. But pop I did, in the 7.


12 cases of wine and 4 large boxes of crisps and other nibbles. I got some in the boot and the rest went in the passengers footwell and the passengers seat. By the time I'd got it all packed I had a sizable crowd who applauded when the last case of wine was laid on top of the centre tunnel.

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i can beat that Norman .

I play Drums with a jazz Band in Liverpool .

Tin Top broke down so I used the Westfield . Bass.snare.and two tom toms with

all the hardware and the cymbals. 23 mile journey to the gig . boy did I get some stares .

Must add that the Tyre rack I purchased from Buzz Billbury helped .

Peter .

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Good morning all from a very wet helston.  Its been a miserable few days down here in Cornwall and it is raining again at the moment

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Good morning (nearly afternoon here). It very very still, dry and a bit brighter than dull.

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Mornin all, Christmas eve a foot of snow and minus 22°c. Ho firkin ho......

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Steve, go to Sponsors and Traders and read all about it. Link in my Sig.


Oh, dear no there isn't. I'll try gain.

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I'm sayin good Mornin now because I'm starting on the guinness and working my way around the bar, therefore,I may not be capable of a good morning in the morning if you see what I mean. Sooooooo, good night to you all till the morning which may not come about.....! Tar Bender..line em up..

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Morning all and a very merry Christmas to all.


It has been raining very hard since about 5am but has stopped now and it's a bit brighter.

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Happy Christmas, Norman...............

And all the other members who look on this thread!

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Happy Christmas one and all!

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A merry Christmas to all, hope you have a good one.


BTW its also raining here!



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