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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Not really, but I haven't done that much damage considering that I've never done DIY to a house before doing the barn and the house.


I was always far to busy to do anything myself, so always got a man in.

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Good morning everyone.

Bedroom ceiling is leaking with all this bl**** rain.

Heave drip splatter every 45 seconds and its driving me nuts .

It wasnt like this in my youth when my twin sibling would have

stuck his finger in the hole then I could get some sleep.

What you doin this weekend Bernie ? could use a bit of help .

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Just for the record, its 3 hours and 5 mins into the 21st of december and im still alive!

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We also have a leaking roof. It's the short bit which is the bathroom. No dripping just a damp stain on the new plaster. Hopefully we'll get a new roof next year.

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Good morning all, it's stopped raining here and is a bit bright. Not cold. So all is well.

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very apt, good morning in Mayan.


Now then, you haven't found a calendar that goes beyond today have you?

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Good morning all. It's raining - again.

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Mornin all, bit fuzzy this Mornin, had a reet good do last night.

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"a reet good do", what language is that?


As it happens we were asked out tonight and have had a lovely night. Some might say "a reet good night"

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Eeeee by gum, we had a reet good do....dunt tha know lancy talk? (Lancashire)

Glad you're having a good time, we are doing another one tonight...

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No. I'm a cockney, a Yorkshire Cockney.

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