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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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That's why were here. We lived in the Peak District which was a fantastic place to live, we were so lucky. But we only saw really warm sunny days a few times a year. Most of the time it was cloudy and cool and damp (in the summer). We would walk about with jumpers on. Drove 7 miles into Hillsborough and people were walking about in the sunshine with Tee shirts on. 


My joints needed warmth and dry so we came here.

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Morning AJ, oh, sorry, bye (as he flies into the distance)

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I'll bet! I'm just sat here coughing and coughing. Did I tell you HM gave me an early Christmas present - her cough. She's better now having had a bucket full of medicine. 

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Good night Steve, got in before you there.

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Good morning all. A bit wet here. Due to rain all day.

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Mornin Norm, hope yer cough eases off soon, the wife send her sympathy and best wishes. Had to postpone our Christmas family dinner, six of the family have the flu bug and we can't chance having them around Emma, that's my girl who has P.S.C. , she is having Humira injections right now, it knocks out your immune system but helps with the illness. Better safe than sorry...

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Morning Steve, Give Emma our love. As you better safe than sorry. There will be many more Christmases to get everyone together. 

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Morning all. It rained all day yesterday. Rained on and off through the night and there was a heavy spell this morning. Now clear and sunny and not at all cold. Supposed to be 13 c outside.


Heavy rain due over next 3 days.


Time to start building an ark.

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Time to start building an ark.

Oh God, please don't ask him to do this!!!!

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Don't worry, we'll all be dead long before he finishes it.

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But can you imagine the belly aching we will have to put up with in the meantime!

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OK, I won't let you on.


I've got all the tools, 10 fingers and 1.9 thumbs. Just need a bit of wood and we have plenty of that sticking out the ground. What could go wrong and why should it take long?

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OK, What could go wrong and why should it take long?

Based on past performance......you have to ask!!!!!

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