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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Ah, so thats where you've been.


Good morning AJ, how are you?

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Yeah I am good Norm thank you, I had a short notice trip to Qatar for five days!!

What have I missed ?

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Only the changes, but you may have seen those before you went.


I think the arguments discussions have died down now. 


The Forii (is that right, Forii, the plural of Forum?) have been slightly rearranged. 


The new forum for bulk buys is now up and running. Trade members can advertise special offers with or without minimum numbers. Members can arrange Bulk Buys but they have to be approved by the committee  If the BB is with a large company that company may have to pay £120 to become a "Trade Member".


Seems OK to me, lets see how it works out.


To put it into perspective the L7C club wouldn't "adopt" BBs in case they got sued. Members were on their own trying to help fellow members.

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Yeah I did see a lot of the 'discussions' before I left, and have now seen the majority of the changes.

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Probably Jim.


Morning all, it's clear skies and sunshine here. But bedroom windows had frost on them this morning.

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Morning all, well technically afternoon. But I have only just got into work.

It was chuffing cold last night, I was flying until 0200 and it was rather chillywhen I got in the car to go home, and another night of it tonight

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Right I have noticed an issue with the new Forum, everytime I post something it takes me back the the first post and not my post. norman have you noticed this or is it just me ?

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Let me see.


No, still here. Someone else complained about this on the thread running on "next generation" (?)


I'm using Win 7 with Chrome.

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