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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Phew, positively hot.

How are both patients today?

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The step daughter is well on her way to recovery. Linda now has shingles #!!!!!!

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Morning all, morning Norm, just finishing the evening off here, glass of scotch and Joe Pass with Ella Fitzgerald at Hamburg. Cry me a river, no one songs it like her.

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Wish them both well from us. Shingles can be nasty, HMs father has it.

Ella, pure heaven in a voice.

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Morning all. Looks bright here, but it's just daybreak so not too sure. Forecast is for rain.

We're supposed to be putting the roof on the porch today.

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Fantastic news about the step daughter, but yes, as Norman said, Shingles can be really nasty, considering the almost comedy name it can be an incredibly painful complaint. Hope she feels better soon.

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Morning all, the missus says thanks for all the well wishes. 0°c this morning, bright and clear.

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You'll be sunbathing at midday.

Don't you just long for cooler weather?

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Started snowing An hour ago, we now have over an inch of the stuff......grrrrrrrrr!

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Just in time for Christmas.

No. 1 daughter reported that it was snowing in Sheffield yesterday and HM says her facebum friend said it was snowing in Portsmouth today.

I once was on a blat over the Snake when it started snowing - hard. Terrifying!

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Morning all, snow stopped, minus one, looks pretty out there...

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I'm very tired, I should write a book about the porch.

I'm going to sit down and watch the football.

speak in the morning.

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Got caught out this morning and didn't say good morning.

We had strong winds during the night and a long ladder leaning against the wall blew down at 3 am. Also 2 of the roof panels blew off. They were only laid on as we didn't expect rain and wind overnight. Then Jacob rings that he has to sort out the washing machine that is showing a fault code. He thinks it's the motor and is going to fit ne brushes. I get round there tout suite. I search the net and determine that the fault code is when the machines tachometer isn't getting the correct speed from the speed set on the front panel. We remove the back and I do my usual reseting of the connectors to the motor. Plug it in and set it going. The drum turns for a few minutes. So not the motor at all. Then it goes into the fault code. Jacob then informs me that he had already found that it's the tachometer and he's found one for £64 (UK). I think about this and have doubts. Jacob cannot now find the web site. I spend a few minutes and find a US site with reports of the problem. All owners with fault code F06 say the engineers don't know what to do. One says the engineer reseats the loom from MCU (motor control unit) to the motor. Then return 4 weeks later when the code comes on again and fit new loom. Then 4 weeks later replace the MCU.

Some say if they unplug the machine overnight it's OK for a few weeks. We're trying that.

This afternoon we worked on the porch

OK, good morning all.

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