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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Doing work on the backsplash in the kitchen today, and doing the bring me, fetch me, carry me for my lovely girl.. This flu thing sucks..

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Morning from a very wet and windy Rotherham. We manged to get the engine back in the Range Rover yesterday, just got all the bits to put back on it today. When we lifted the old one out we removed the sump plug and all that came out was water. Maybe that's why it wouldn't run!

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Morning all from Barnet, cold but clear blue sky so far.

Wonder where the rain is?

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I missed the morning cos I was on the road, so Hello :t-up:

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Morning all, clear skies and minus 4°c. Went for an late afternoon blat yesterday, minus 5°c, it was awesome.

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Despite the forecasts not been too bad a weekend here. Managed an hours or so's blat yesterday, paid the deposit for our Cheshire Chrimbo meal while I was out. Nice morning today - blue skies, managed another short blat before giving the tin top a good wash and wax with proper wax.

Now settled in to watch an exciting, moist, grand pix.

Almost spilt me drink when Coultard came out with the classic line, (Vettel pitting)

"...and he's going to come into a wet box", pause while he realises what he's saying, then a somewhat strangled "it'll be slippy"

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Morning all from a very wet and very wild Cornwall this morning

Hopefully the wind will die down today, and its look like it is going to become more southerly therefore Cold and dry

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Morning AJ and Paul :) Quiet in here, isn't it? I wonder what Norman is thinking right now...probably wondering which of us cut through his telephone wires! :laugh:

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It is definately quiet without Norm around.

I reckon its a ploy to get closer to his date

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Morning from a very foggy and damp South Yorkshire. We got the Range Rover running after completing the engine transplant yesterday afternoon. What a big heavy lump those BMW 2.5 diesel engines are! Quiet without Norman isn't it.

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! Quiet without Norman isn't it.

Shhhhhhh...don't poke the dragon!

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morning Paul, at least Cornwall appears to have left behind the rain and life is getting back to normal.

Still quiet around here with no Norm, I am guessing the suspense is killing him

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belated and several good mornings to you all.

Weather's not too bad, not really cold yet and only some showers during the night.

Phone line was reconnected yesterday at about 17:00. Not bad really seeing as it blew down early Sunday evening!

I kept off as I didn't want to increase the post count. Didn't do me any good and the best man won. I came second.

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