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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Good morning from a wet France. We've got the edge of all the rain you're getting.

I was supposed to be drilling and dowling 2 joints but not in the rain, I'm not.

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STEVE, if I got here before you.


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She's telling me what to do so she must be on the mend.......

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Phew, thought I'd never catch you.

(adds to the post count though)

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Keep going.

Give your other half all our love and wish her a speedy recovery. You'll be pleased to know that this phase doesn't last long, only a few weeks.

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Will do. Cheers. This flu lasts three weeks! I'm sure there's a business trip I'm supposed to be on!!!!!

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No, no, flu only lasts a few days. The recovery phase where you're supposed to wait hand a foot can last 3 weeks.

Or longer.

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There's one ready now. The MG suite.

The Lotus suite has someone in it, but that's another story.

Oh, that reminds me, I must go and ....... No, on second thoughts I'll keep that task to myself.

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Some of you lot must be getting up now..a good morning to you..

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Good morning from a cold and frosty Rotherham. Early start today, helping one of my friends to put a new engine in his Range Rover. Trouble is we're doing it outside. I really am getting too old for this sort of thing!

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Morning all, busy day getting more done to porch.

Speak later.

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