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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Bon matin Shinda.

If it's wet again where you are are you sure your not in Manchester?

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Where you been, I was getting concerned.

You haven't been blatting in the snow, have you.

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Mornin Norm,nah, taking care of my girl, she's really bad with this flu, poor owd love. She's fit for nothing right now, if this keeps up she's going to the doctors whether she likes it our not....

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Just get her to the doctor. Doctor won't mind, better safe than sorry.

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A belated good morning to all. Was awake at 03:00 and fell off back to sleep at 07:00.

Really nice and sunny here today, le ciel est bleu

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A belated good morning from Cornwall, yet another wet and wild day, hopefully the wind will die down to get some flying in

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Steve, How's your better half. Did you her to the doctor.

(soory for being late, I've been helping Jacob with the porch. Main structure is now up. Photo's tomorrow - if I get time.

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She is going thru a really bad flu strain. Starting to slowly improve. Cheers Norm.

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