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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Morning Norm, how's the cold? The missus is on the mend. The granite is installed, they screwed up on one piece so have to come back.....at least now Linda can organize her cupboards again.

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Morning Steve, glad to hear your better half is on the mend. I'm still in a state, hot one minute, shivering the next.

I'm pleased you're OK and keep the post rate up :)

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I never do as I'm told.

HM uses the trick she used to use with the kids. If, for example, they didn't want to wear a particular coat she would tell them they couldn't wear that coat and it had to be put at the back of the wardrobe. With immediate effect they were shouting that they wanted to wear the coat/shoes/hat/scarf or whatever.

She tells me I mustn't drink too much so, of course, I want a drink. A pint of orange juice and lemonade goes down nicely.

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no, no Vodka. I'm going to try a whiskey whilst I watch Chelsea v Juventas

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Will do. But it's rubbish whiskey made for the French market.

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Have you tried Laphroaig? It's a double cask single malt. Real woody taste to it,I like it....It's a scotch whisky.

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many times and many others spelt the Scottish way.

I used to visit a pub in Sheffield who claimed to have 100 single malts (If I remember OK). It would have been rude not to try and get through them all. However some were over £10 a single.

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I love a glass of good scotch after a long day, sit and sip...doesnt mean I only have one, I can sip pretty fast sometimes!

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Morning all, it rained in the night but is clearer now. High broken cloud so may get a bit of sunshine. Last day of my cold, tomorrow we re-start the porch - I hope.

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