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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Morning Steve. We're having a day off as it was supposed to rain. No rain yet. Jacob's making his fire thingie, I'll have to show you that when he's finished. We will resume the porch on Monday. I'm hoping we'll have it finished by next weekend.

Jacob is a true perfectionist. I would have had it finished by now, assuming I knew what to do. But with Jacob everything is measured and level checked 3 times then taken down. The next piece is cut and fitted and the whole thing is measured and level checked then taken down and....... you get the picture.

Anyway, a support to cut for one side, one door frame side to dowel and fit the other (the frame is cut) and then the roof can be made. Then fit the windows, make a door (he reckons 2 days to make the door in his workshop) and tiles on and fill in the bits where there are no windows, which won't be much.

After that I can do his cambelt. Then finish off the bits and pieces in the house.

I then want to fit one of the 3 garage doors I bought last spring and then I can work on my car.

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Oh, by the way, Jacob is Dutch and his name is pronounced Yacob.

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Sounds like you need a day off. Today I get to be nurse, the missus is proper poorly, coughing and achy all over, hot and cold sweats. Will also be continuing on with getting the kitchen ready for the granite which comes on Monday. Had to remove all the old drywall re-insulate, poly and now do new drywall. Move a couple of wall plugs, re-locate the gas line and water lines....after that, go outside and put the storm windows on the west facing windows. Wine.....I need wine!

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Sounds like it's you that needs a rest.

Wish her well from us.

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Ah, bless.

It started to rain after lunch.

I watched the football scores come in. There were some odd scores like Everton and Chelsea losing. And, of course. my 2 teams lost, Spurs and the Owls.

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Ok, I'm into the booze, insulation, plastic, drywall, rewired three plugs and re-installed all the base cabinets. Pause for the cause, do the storm windows tomorrow...line em up bartender. Night you lot.

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Good morning all.

It's raining here, due to clear up this afternoon.

Tomorrow we should get our first below zero morning.

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Morning one an all, think the missus passed her yukky ill thing on to me...oh well. Spot of scotch will fix me up.

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And you passed it on to me. I'm wrapped up warm and sniffling and sneezing.

My friend the doctor called in. I let him in and after a minute started sneezing. He said he'd better go as he didn't want it. I asked if there was anything I should take. Whiskey was the answer. I think he knows me.

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And you passed it on to me. I'm wrapped up warm and sniffling and sneezing.

. Whiskey was the answer.

Sorry Norm, it was the last cuddle that did it......

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Sorry, but it was more than a cuddle.

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