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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Morning all from a dark Cornwall, its far too early to have been in work an hour already !!

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Morning all. Overcast here but may get brighter. Not too cold yet.

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Morning all it's a balmy 3°c and yep I will being giving the car a little run out....

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Morning all, very foggy this morning. Running late so can't stop.

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Morning all from an overcast Cornwall, but at least it wsa not cold as I cycled into work

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Dull and overcast in Cheshire, but at least it's dry and mild. :yes:

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Morning all, clear and chilly. Only minus three, no worries, tee shirt weather.....

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Evening all, hic, a hard, long and cold day working on the porch and now, hic, back from the bar.

3 times I said to Jacob are you ready, but everytime another round, hic, was required.

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Evening Norm, I'm cream crackered, if I ever meet the pollock who had this place before us I'm putting my size tens right up his dirt box.....talk about Mickey mouse fix it stuff..just about had to remove all the upper cabs and re– insulate the outside walls. Time for some vino calypso...calapso...

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A very very late good morning from me, I'm knackered too.

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