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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Mornin' dry here in Sunny Manchester, I might go for a bike ride today.

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Marnin !

The Rabbits have escaped and ruined the lawn.

I,ve put the pan on and will see to them after work.

Dont know which one to eat first , Woger or Wobert .

Can you deep freeze live Bunnies or is it a teeny bit cruel cause it might

spoil the flavour. :( :( :(:)

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Morning, still cold, still got snow, have to go and pick up some more flooring material, finishing this floor today if it kills me...Norm, sendthat brandy over here...

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Sorry, it's all gone!

The second half is done. So we now have a concrete base. On friday we'll build a small wall around it then the timber frame and windows all to be finished off with the roof.

May be done by Friday week.

In the meantime I've got to sort out an old Renault Espace that isn't charging. It's a very long story but Jacob has given it to his life study model for their weekly drawing workshop as payment. She now expects him to fix it. He gave it to her 9 months ago!

Verona to the rescue.

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whoah there Norman, life study models? weekly "drawing" workshops?

I think we need more details, possibly including pictures :oops:;)

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OK, I'll get a picture of a drawing done by Linda. If you want to see Linda's work look HERE

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very talented and very nice as well. Jacob and Linda are becoming good friends, they are such nice and genuine people.

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Rare qualities these days. Glad you have them as friends.

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Good morning. Or maybe that should be "Good moaning" (someone explain that to Steve when he arises).

Plan today is to finish the Renault and get some battens for the floor and start on the floor.

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Should explain that to the wife......ooops...morning Norm.

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