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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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I know it's a bit late in the day but I've bin busy, so instead of good morning I'll say hello :t-up:

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Morning from a cool but clear and pleasant morning in Rotherham. Just back from a nice long walk with my dogs. Now about to start building a kennel/run for them which will involve the use of power tools. Any advice Norman?

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Morning all. Cool, overcast, bright and dry in Warwickshire - The Wench will get some exercise today. Glad I didn't SORN her! :)

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Scuba, the only advice I can give is don't stick your thumb into a spinning blade. You're not Jack Horner sitting in a corner........

Nice to know it's nice in miller land.

Good morning all, it's still overcast and raining here. That makes 5 days almost non-stop. The pond's full and I think the other one is well as it looks like it's draining into the smaller one opposite the house. If I get time I'll wander over to have a look.

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Morning from Cornwall, a morning spent fixing the daily drive, and an afternoon of shopping !! What a way to spend a Saturday

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Morning AJ, I've just taken all the tools I no longer need back to the barn. Then I put all the tools/materials I will need in the utility room.

Now, over the next few weeks all the tools I've taken back to the barn will find their way back and my day room will end up looking like a toolroom again.

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Nice morning here, had to nip down to the Doctors for my flu jab, then back home doing weekend chores; it's a rock and roll lifestyle ain't it! :laugh:

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Morning all, chilly and clear for now, expecting snow today and tomorrow. Might get a couple of runs in next week before the winter really sets in.

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Ok you lot, must be your bed time by now. We are just getting into some serious wine glugging....night all...

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Good morning all, it's dull and grey here. My morning weather forecast says it's going to be clear blue skies and sunshine on Wednesday. I look forward to it.

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Good evening all, brilliant day here in Sunny Manchester, went out for a 40 mile blat over the pennines, then had a walk round daisy Nook :cool:

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GOOD EVENING! This is the "good morning" thread, you really must get up earlier :)

Did you go over the Snake, If so I envy you.

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I'm off to Kip, but you lot will be getting up,so, good morning.

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