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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Stitches, hand, you haven't done a Norman have you?

(If you weren't around I fed my thumb to a hungry table saw. Took 3 months to heal first phase and doc reckons another 12 months before nerves repair.)

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Hiya Norman. No I have a condition known as Dupuytren's Disease (Google it) which affects my fingers. The only cure is surgery, which was carried out on 2nd October. Seems to have been successful but that's still to be confirmed when I have the stitches out next Tuesday.

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That's a coincidence. I have the same condition. It's not yet ready for surgery but probably within the next 5 years,

My doctor loves to tell me that Dupuytren was a Frenchman who first identified the condition.

Wish you well, I'm informed that it's routine and shouldn't cause any problems.

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I thought your condition was something they locked you away for.......

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That's the other one. The one they put me in a straight jacket.

Good morning all. It's bright and sunny here. But cold, at the moment. I'm catching up, then breakfast then outside to clean the windows.

Not sure what I'll do this afternoon.

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Get over here and finish this island for me, the waves are lapping up the sides and the immigration officials are at the back door...

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Good afternoon all, got my first decent nights sleep last night since returning home, so I've been round at my sons house working all day.

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Paul, wouldn't like to come round to my house and stick some tiles down, would you?

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Are they wooden tiles Norm?

I really only do wood.

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Don't mention wood to Norm, he'll get the power tools out and you know where that will end up.

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