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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Morning all. We got snow again last night, not happy, need some Chinook winds to clear it away.

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Good morning, in the afternoon.

What do you think of my make over?

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Looking great, will get some pics of the stuff being done here. Looking forward to seeing your place next year. Do you get the getting it will never be done? That's how I feel about this place......

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Yes, it will never be finished. One of the good things with very old houses. If I was 20 years younger (and retired) I would complete the work on the large barn. However the real project is the 300 year old house which can be seen behind the JCB.

I was a bit surprised when HM came in last night and watched the last 15 minutes of Grand Designs. It was an ultra modern white building no more than one room wide by the riverside in Oxfordshire. Surrounded by traditional red brick pointy topped houses lived in by reactionary Tories (my judgement). She said she didn't like, much preferred old traditional houses with bent walls, doors that don't fit and where nothing is straight.

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She said she didn't like, much preferred old traditional houses with bent walls, doors that don't fit and where nothing is straight.

Sounds like a description of my body.

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I was talking about mine. What did you think I was rattling on about. Didn't you know she thinks I'm an old traditional house?

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Squeeky floorboards and slivers every time you touch.....not to mention Bats in the Belfry

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We had pipestrel bats in the house in South Yorkshire.

We have much bigger ones here. It's wonderful to sit outside in the summer as night falls and watch them wheeling round catcjhing insects.

We have a sqeaky floor in the day room. Only because I laid the floor when the wood was damp.

Right, off for breakfast then I'll do todays stats.

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Morning Norm,

We had bats when in Estry,

Used to sit in the living room as it got dark and look out the window, It was like the bats M1 motorway!

Edited by V8grunt
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They do have something about them, don't they.

Not so nice when they're flying around the bedroom, when your in bed!

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Apparently....."they like to bite your neck" a certain Count used to say..

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Count, count, I've done that today, haven't I?

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