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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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3rd attempt at this post. Morning all from dark dry East Cheshire. I'm off on a Legislation course today away from the mayhem of the current of the plant shutdown I am on at the moment.

Have a good day out there. Norman put away all sharp tools.

Bob :d :d

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Morning Bob, Morning everyone.

No sharp tools this morning. I've been outside since 07:30 (now 08:35) moving concrete blocks from a pile outside the side of the house to make a border for the gravel to go. There should be a large digger (as used in roadbuilding) here soon to move the gravel and dig a big hole to bury the concrete rubble removed from the house when I renovated it.

However, as this is France it's 50/50 whether he turns up

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Mornin' all, just got back to Pattaya, bl**dy plane was delayed for an hour, but hey ho we're here now.

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Just clearing the stuff on the front. Like chairs, recliner, 2 Ikea bins, a wheeled basket full of wood, 6 empty flower pots, several packs of terra cota tiles, some slabs of slate, 3 long concrete lintel type thingies, some roof tiles and some concrete blocks.


Morning Paul, if that's all you have to complain of, life can't be bad. :)

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Morning from a cool but dry South Yorkshire. Just back from a nice long walk with my dogs. Now sat at home waiting for a surveyor appointed by the Halifax to take a look at my house. If all goes well it's sold to a first time buyer with a mortgage already in place. Time for me to move on.

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Mornin all,4degrees here, coffee is warm tho..the office/mezzanine is done, carpet, power, computers up and running, wife happy...well, she hasn't asked me to do anything else for the last ten mins so I'm presuming she's happy! Start prepping the ceiling for the hanging lamps, ceiling is 19 feet high, lamps are three feet in dia, scaffolding time.

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Cheers all, last night in Pattaya.

I'll be setting off for home at midnight tonight, see you all in Sunny Manchester tomorrow, off to the beach now.


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Good morning Norm, the wife is checking out your Web site. She is all excited, calm down, not about you!

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Safe journey Paul!

Good morning - rainy day ahead, apparently. :(

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Morning all, Well it's nearly afternoon here. Just got up. I awoke at 03:15 and then it started raining (rian on two very large Velux windows in LOUD. I fell back to sleep about 07:00 and woke at 09:30.

I'm going to have some breakfast first then I'll do the count.

I'm having a slow day today, take some photos, update the website, think about what I'll do later/tomorrow.

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And again you have forgotten to update us with the count, you need to add it to the end, just for anther post count

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