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The Good Morning & Weather Report Thread

Norman Verona

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Reminds me of an idiot who lives round here. They must have what everyone else has. Another Brit had two awnings outside the back of the house. So, of course, idiot and wife have to have one. Then one night in a 90 MPH gale the two awnings got ripped. Next time I go to idiots house he's sitting sideways to the house pressed hard up against the wall with the awning open about 12 inches. Why don't you open the awning says I. Oh, there's a breeze and it may get ripped. This breeze must have been all of 5 mph.


As I said, idiot!

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Morning all, cool and clear after a chilly and starry night!

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Morning all, rained most of the night, hence a late start.


Still dull and grey.

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Well I spoke far too early this morning it chucked it down as I cycled into work and is still lashing it down

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I thought so. There's a band of rain sweeping in from the Atlantic stretching from Scotland down into France. But it's not that wide so it'll probably stop raining soon.

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BBC weather forecast is good, ain't it.

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Well we have specialists at work to tell the Met and even they cannot get it right. It must be the only job in the Navy you can do, be wrong everyday and still get promoted!!

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I've noticed that the weather forecasts are always correct. Just a day or so out.

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Mornin all, we have a foot of snow....out with the snow shovel...

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Good morning all.


We're off to Nantes today. I've got to get my phone fixed/replaced as it just died and is still under warranty. So thought we'd go to Nantes and have a wander round Ikea. 


There really is no hope for me!

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Morning all,


Bit chilly in East Cheshire today, grey skies but dry at the moment. Just off to Chester to watch no 2 daughter play hockey and stand in the cold for a couple of hours. Can feel my back going into spasm as I type, Thank god for heated car seats, the best £200 I have ever spent on a car at the moment.

Just catching up with this thread and the acid pineapple brought a definite smile to my otherwise sedate face, Norman what are you like, it could only happen to you.


Up and at 'em as they say


Bob :d

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