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Congrats & Well Done...

Captain Colonial

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...to Nick Algar, Mark Twyford, Jeff Stevens, Adam Reeves, Steve Wild, Simon Turtle, and the 15 AOs whose terrific contributions helped produce an absolutely cracking Autumn 2012 issue of Westfield World! :t-up::cool::)

And also to Peter Osbourne for putting it all together for us to enjoy - great effort as always! :t-up:

Soon to be on a doorstep near you! :yes:

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"Soon to be on a doorstep near you"

Is it being delivered to my neighbour then. He lives about 1 kilometre from here and although we've lived here nearly 7 years I've yet to meet him.

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"Soon to be on a doorstep near you"

Is it being delivered to my neighbour then. He lives about 1 kilometre from here and although we've lived here nearly 7 years I've yet to meet him.

Not very neighbourly of you is it? Pop along and see him in your newly commissioned catering van.

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I know, but he could have popped in here just as easily.

When we moved into a tiny village in the Peak District we thought they were all a bit stand-offish but it turned out they were shy. Once the ice was broken we all got on really well. I suspect it's the same around here but with a language barrier it'll take longer, a lot longer.

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English farmers are bad enough, French farmers are a breed unto themselves.

At least over here, they don't complain they don't make any money while driving around in a new Ranger Rover. A neighbour in the UK explained that his accountant said he had to buy a new Ranger Rover every year. He further explained it didn't mean he was rich.

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Just go round there and shout loudly at him in English, a lot of the english around where my father lives in the south of France seem to think that will work :d :d :d

Couldn't believe my eyes when i first saw it :bangshead: :bangshead:

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We see it all the time in the super market. Holiday makers !

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The guy I saw had lived there for 4 years !!!!

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There's one ex-pat who's been here so long his grandchildren have only been to French schools and they've now left school and are working.

He refuses to learn French, says he can make do with sign language and only shops in super markets.

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I know, but he could have popped in here just as easily.

When we moved into a tiny village in the Peak District we thought they were all a bit stand-offish but it turned out they were shy. Once the ice was broken we all got on really well. I suspect it's the same around here but with a language barrier it'll take longer, a lot longer.

My wife was from the Peaks and beleive me , she was never shy :)

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Ok own up, who's stolen the Essex Area report from this edition of WW? :( :(

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Ok own up, who's stolen the Essex Area report from this edition of WW? :( :(

I was wondering the same when i picked mine up off the mat :down: FWIW I definately sent it ???
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